Absolutely my favorite movie ever of 1964! :D

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Aww, that sucks you can't make it, Beatlebob. But I totally understand. I can't afford to go to theatres anymore either, and can't afford to see Paul live this time (I'm making a huge sacrifice by selling my Beatles merchandise in order to go). 

And that sucks how you have to wait a while to finally watch that new Hard Day's Night DVD coming out soon also. I can't buy a Blu-Ray player at the moment either (much less an HDTV, the only reason I have one is because it was very discounted, used at a thrift store.)

I can also relate to wanting the privacy to watch whatever you want in your own room! That's why I always wear headphones lol

Thanks for clearing that up for me about the dual format containing the bonus material! By the time I read your comment, I had already figured it out for myself by reading Amazon reviews! But thanks again, anyways!!! :-)

Yes, best wishes to BeatleGirl, to maybe see this in the theatre! Take pictures for us!! :-)

Sadie, I thought you would understand! For me it's not only that I can't afford it, it's also my many health problems as well that keeps me from going. It's Both reasons! I know you understand that too! :-( I know you are making a huge sacrifice by selling your Beatles merchandise in order to go to see Paul Live Again!

Looks like we Both have to wait a while to finally watch that new Hard Day's Night DVD coming out soon!  :-(

Re: " I can also relate to wanting the privacy to watch whatever you want in your own room! That's why I always wear headphones lol"

LOL!! I wear headphones Too!!

You're Welcome for clearing that up for you about the dual format containing the bonus material!! But, I see you already figured it out by reading the amazon reviews!! LOL!  ;-)

YES!!!! Best wishes to BeatleGirl, to maybe see this in the theatre!! And if so, Please take pictures if you can!!  :-)

For those of you who have read "A Date With A Beatle," I wish that I could do for you all what Judith did for her friend the 1st time she ever saw the movie! I've got a friend that works at a theater that's going to be playing the movie, so luckily she's going to take me for free! I am so grateful...

I haven't read the book BeatleNut9, but it sounds like a Sweet Gesture you made!!  :-) That's Great that you have a friend that works at a theater that's going to be playing the movie, so luckily she's going to take you for free!!! :-)  Enjoy!! And let us know how it was!  :-)

Absolutely! This will be my 3rd time to see the movie in a theater. The last time was in 2005!

WOW!! Great!! :-) And this time you'll get to see it with the Digitally Restored Picture and Soundtrack!! And Hopefully the Extra Goodies too!! :-) Enjoy!!!  :-)

I seen it in August of 1964 in the theater twice! It was GREAT seeing it on the Big Screen, at that time!!  :-)

That is so awesome, BB!

BeatleNut9, It Was So Awesome seeing them on the Big Screen Back Then! I had to see it again a week later! Thanks! It's Great that this will be your 3rd time seeing the movie in a theater!! And with the latest Digitally Restored Picture and Soundtrack!!  :-D

YES! I also hope that it's like my last experience because it seemed like everyone else in the room had never seen it before. THAT was really neat…even though it's also fun to see it with fellow fanatics, it was SO cute seeing people laugh & smile at the scenes for their first time.

BeatleNut9, I'm Sure That was Really Neat!! Seeing it with fellow fanatics and it also being Cute seeing people laugh and smile at the scenes for the first time!! I Hope it's like your last experience seeing it with people who had never seen it before!! :-) Enjoy!!!  :-)

I remember waiting in line to see the movie when I was 12 with such excitement! I went with two friends of mine who lived up the corner from me. They were also Beatle Nuts like me! They were brothers and their mother took us to the Sayville movie theater when I lived on Long Island, NY. And picked us up when the film was over. We didn't know what to expect while waiting in line to see our Lads in the time of Beatlemania! When we were in the theater and the film began we started to hear a few screams from the girls in the audience. Seeing our Lads on the Big Screen was incredible because we only seen them on Ed Sullivan and some quick clips on TV shows and the News! We were in Awe! It was So Exciting!! We laughed at so many scenes and all the other people were laughing as well. When we seen them perform the songs it was hard to hear them over all the screams in the theater from the girls in there!! But, we didn't mind that much because we were so excited seeing the lads perform the songs!! When we left the theater we were like mindless zombies from what we just experienced!! LOL!  When my friend's Mother drove us back she asked how was the film. We just said it was Great!! We were  silent thinking about the Experience! And it's all we talked about when we got back to my friend's house and for days after that!

The theater held the film for two weeks. We had to go again!! This time my Father took us there and picked us up when it was over. We were hoping we would be able to hear the movie with less screams from the audience this time!! But, of course it was the same not being able to hear the movie over the screams in the theater. LOL! We were still so excited to see the film again!!! I'll never forget how exciting it was!! The theater is still there. I just found it on the internet. :-)

The mysterious 'train song' from the Beatles' 'A Hard Day's Night'

Read it here: http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/music/posts/la-et-ms-beatles-m...

WOW!!! It Sure is a Mystery!! I read the LA Times story and then the Something New Blog, then listened to the clip on sound cloud. I'm Certainly Not sure?? I guess the only people who would know is Paul and Ringo. Or George Martin. Hopefully one of them will provide the answer!! Very Interesting!! It doesn't sound like them to me. But, it could be?? LOL! Thanks for posting this along with the link!  :-)

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