BeatleLinks - Features a list of Beatles websites and a discussion board.

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"I like the page about the Beatle Girls :)"

Same here! ;) I like their quotes, but now I'm starting to get a little jealous of them.

"I'm surprised Tumblr allows so much censored stuff"

LMAO, It seems like nothing's censored on Tumblr... hahaha!

"Thanks for the links"

And you're welcome! ;)

haha! Lennon Lover mentioned she likes Beatles fanfiction, I've read some fanfiction Beatle stories on LiveJournal ("slash") that are even more censored and disturbing than the stuff I've seen on Tumblr. haha.

I think reading slash is pretty much your decision... but I found this by accident... I'm traumatized for life! lmao

(Don't click unless you want to! XD) 


For more DeviantArt Beatles, browse here.

Here are some sites I almost absolutely forgot: (John Lennon) (Beatles Lyrics) (Beatles Info)

I found this awesome John blog on tumblr!

HAHAHA, I love those sites, LL! Thanks for sharing ;) Now I'll have to spend hours on them...

Here are a few more from Tumblr:



I love the one about only John's thighs... :]

Here is another Beatles social networking site

It has pretty much the same features as we have here!

It doesn't look nearly as fab as our home here, but you know me...I've got to go and immediately join them! LOL

Beatle ♥ Girl Loves You! ♥♥♥ said:

Here is another Beatles social networking site

It has pretty much the same features as we have here!

Eww, it looks boring over there but I signed up anyway. Here's my page


I've been even ignoring my own Beatles social networking website lately for this one! haha.


I love BAR! It's like we have MBS back but without any problems! :)

I joined it too! I'm friends with a Beatle Nut Nine over there. I wonder who could it be? ;) LOL!

What could be interesting is that since it's been promoted by Beatles News, (it's gained over 100+ members in just one day!) is exactly which Beatles authors and older Beatles fans who can provide some interesting Beatle content and personal stories. The admin, I noticed is David Bedford, author of "Liddypool: Birthplace of The Beatles" who has attended Beatlefest conventions before talking about his book, which of course, talks about Liverpool, where 4 babies who later changed the face of pop & rock music forever! It promises to have members write Beatley content by authors, journalists and Beatles experts.

What I don't get is how come no matter how much I advertise this website or work on it so much, it rarely gets noticed or appreciated as much? Sounds like the story of my life! I'm pulling a Julian here! hahaha, Who cares? I'm having a blast with my close Beatley friends here!!!

I should invite some Beatles conspiracists here to make this site even more interesting! Lmao. What next? That John is really alive, Paul is dead, George went to Hell, and Ringo has a prosthetic nose? Give me a break!!!!

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