• Do you think having a page for BAR on FB will get more members here? We're talking about updates & advertisement.
  • Do you Beatles fans appreciate having a separate social network rather than facebook to share Beatley stuff?
  • Does having Beatles Abbey Road around make it a unique and fun website for Beatles fans to use and enjoy?

UPDATE: We're now on Facebook!


Okay, well, we all know we've been sucked to Facebook at some point.


It makes me sad, though, because it makes me wonder if it means the end or the minimizing of the use of forums (and social networks such as this one). Plus, there are tumblrs, where people flock to instead of creating websites with articles with substance. Though we do still have news sites and almost all of them have the "like" button somewhere. And the comment section are integrated into FB as well.


On Facebook, you can get updates from practically any celebrity, musician, public figure there. And also, you can post anything you want on there because it's up to you what you want private and public.

On Facebook, you can create a few sentences, and get speedy updates, depending on how many "friends" you have there and you can upload as MUCH photos as you want of anything.


On a social status, if you have no Facebook, some people believe you to be an outsider, or someone that can't be trusted. Like really, who doesn't have a facebook, right? But is it just another "MySpace" phase?


I actually thought Google Plus would replace this whole Facebook phenomenon, but the numbers and the activity do not prove it to be so.


I can also post this on Facebook and would get immediate replies and numerous likes if I friend whored myself.


I am pretty sure the positives of using Facebook are much higher than using forums or websites.


One of the positives of joining a forum or creating your own website or blog is that you can keep it separate from your Facebook profile and you get to create a new you on your profile.


I oppose to using FB as much as other people because I consider myself a recluse. The whole social network thing drives me crazy to the point that I just don't want anything to do with it.


What does this post have to do with Beatles Abbey Road?


No, I'm not going to close it down. I thought of creating a facebook page for BAR so people can get updates, and thus making BAR a part of FB, it will increase the visibility of this website. Will it be "selling out"? I don't know. I always thought of having a facebook is the gateway of triggering that narcissistic parts of ourselves. Like I said, I'm not the person who focuses on the "self" -- or am I? but on the subject. Well, read the summary I just made to easily get what I'm saying. Bai now.

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I've also come to the conclusion that...

Forums, such as this, well basically this is a social network more than just a discussion place are less seeked by others, because having a Facebook and a Tumblr would give the user 100% power over what content they want to see and want to post.

With Facebook, you have a mixture of friends, different interests, and the point being about yourself.

With Tumblr, you can post what ever you want with no censorship or ways to behave whatsoever.

There is more freedom with using those kinds of sites.

But Beatles Abbey Road is the ultimate haven for Beatles fans, in that it remains exclusively a Beatles site, where dedicated Beatles FANS can enjoy talking to each other and posting lots of other Beatley stuff that does not try to disarray into other subjects or points of interest. This is a much preferred for the 100% Beatlemaniacs out there!

Yes! It's the ultimate haven for us fanatics & I'm very glad it's exclusively a Beatles site! XO

Do you still have it on Facebook? I need to tell people about it!

Ooh I forgot about this post. Yes, here it is:

I don't like Facebook. The whole social network thing drives me crazy to the point that I just don't want anything to do with it Too!! But, it IS a Good thing to have BAR on FB too! To attract new members here! Good Idea BeatleGirl! :-)

I'm not a fan of non-Beatles social network =S Maybe I'm just too selective? ^_^ I'd love to have new members here!

I'm Just too Selective too!! I Think BAR on FB will attract new members here!  :-)

I need to spread the word to those who do love Facebook! Thanks for the linkage!

I wish I would have known you all in the glory days of MySpace because I loved that website. As soon as "Tom" sold the company, it went bad. Anyway…I've never really embraced the idea of Facebook because it's only safe to use if you block everyone you don't really know in-person the way that it's designed. (I do realize that I did have an enormous safety scare on MySpace that has scarred me for life, but I still could be much more anonymous & therefore safer on MySpace than Facebook!)

Anyway, I've since embraced Twitter. I like Tumblr. I always forget about G+. I obviously love it here! Well, I heard about this new social networking website that sounds like it's a combination of Twitter, Tumblr, & MySpace! You don't have to use your real name & all that crap, so it makes things very safe for meeting new people! (I'm bad about getting onto BeatleSocialNetowork…) It's called "Ello" & I sent a request to sign up tonight. It used to be a private place, but there's been so many requests to join, they've made it semi-public. I guess it's like G+ was at first where you had to wait to be invited. Anyway, I wanted to share this news with everyone because I'd love to see you all there in addition to all of our other homes. I love you all! XO

I remember all of those social networking sites! The only one I ever really enjoyed was Tumblr. I've never even heard of "Ello" until now... sounds great!

I had never heard of it until tonight either! I'm quite excited to see what all the fuss is about...

Sadie said:

I remember all of those social networking sites! The only one I ever really enjoyed was Tumblr. I've never even heard of "Ello" until now... sounds great!

I used to be on "MySpace" too. I Really Liked it! I Like "Tumblr" even though I never joined. I just like to view some of the pages there! I Don't like "Facebook"!! Never tried Twitter or G+. Thanks for telling us about "Ello" BeatleNut9! It Does sound Very Good! :-)

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