Hey my Beatley friends:
I couldn't get the movie to play alright on here, so I deleted it. :-(( Here is the Link if you want to watch it.  The Beatles "Full Live Performance" At Shea Stadium.  Enjoy!  :-D



Enjoy  :-D

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Hope you enjoy this!  :-D

Hey, Beatle Bob! The video player finally showed up in your original post. I wonder how that happened? ;-) It's magic! LOL!

LOL! It IS Magic! ;-) I Wonder how this happened? When I posted the Video here yesterday it kept coming up with Ads and would hang and stop playing?? That's why I Deleted the Video! And placed the Link. When you watch the Video on their site it doesn't have Ads and plays just fine.

But, Now it showed up Here Mysteriously?? LOL! ;-) It has ads here and there, but doesn't freeze up and stop playing! I'll take that! ;-) LOL! :-)

Judith Kristen, Barbara Bach, & Linda Eastman are just some of the lucky people that were in the audience...*sighs*

Judith Kristen at 15 sure was lucky enough to meet George! And was among the lucky ones to see the Shea performance! And it's Really Something that Barbara Bach, & Linda Eastman were there in the audience too!! Meryl Streep was there too. Meryl Streep honored Paul for an award in 1990 and she was telling the audience and Paul that she went to the Shea concert and sat in row 160. Paul later was kidding her about seeing her in row 160 there. LOL I wish I could have been there too but, I was only 12 and a half yrs old at the time, and no way to get there. :-(( I Wish we were all lucky enough to be there!!

DITTO! hahaha

Watch the first half of the 2 Videos I posted here of Meryl Streep honoring Paul for an award in 1990. Then watch Part 2 the Second Video. Hope you like it! :-)

I also, posted a 2 hour video of The Complete Beatles here too. Enjoy!  :-D

You're so kind of share all of these great things with us! It's like "Crimble" every day around here, hahaha!

Re: You're so kind of share all of these great things with us!

Thanks for saying that my friend!!! :-D I Love the Things you guys Always share here too!!! :-D I wanted to share the 2 videos of Paul getting the award because the First part Meryl Streep mentions her being there at the Shea Concert! And when Paul accepts the award on Part 2, it Always sends chills down my spine! I Love what he says at the end! It's so touching! And for anyone here that might have never seen the Complete Beatles yet, I wanted to share that too! In my mind it's nowhere as good as the Beatles Anthology. But, when I first seen it in 1982 it was Great for what it was at the time!! :-)

Re: It's like "Crimble" every day around here, hahaha!

LOL LOL For Me Too!!! :-D Have a FAB Day my friend!!! :-D


The Shea Stadium Anniversary Day Party!!!!!!


When? Wednesday, August 15, 2012...

[the chatroom is open all the time, but the party begins at 7pm/6pm central time]



* We will be watching video footage of the entire concert (embedded inside the chatroom!) and more!

It will almost feel like you are there! Join in on the virtual fun!


We had a Please Please Me Album Anniversary Party in there once and it was a BLAST!

DANG! I'm not going to have any Internet from I think the 12th through probably the 19th! What horrible timing I've got...ugh. I really hope you guys have a great time! I'm so sad that I won't be able to make it, but I'll be there in spirit! I'll think of you guys! XOXO

I'll make sure I'm at the next anniversary party, no matter what! I've just got to be! You guys are too much fun & the lads are worth everything too.

Aww I cant get home from marching til 830 and I might have another party to go to that day :(

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