Beatles thoughts meander like an endless rain into a paperback writer...
re: "They actually had people bring a line-up of women each night up to their hotel rooms from off the streets for them to choose from."
I think Mal Evans or and Neil Aspinall were the people who brought women to their hotel rooms? LOL! Might have been the Books "The Beatles Anthology" or the book "SHOUT"? I remember in "The Beatles Anthology" DVD's there was a clip of police somewhere in the south while they were on tour, saying The Beatles had women or a woman in their hotel room.
I would imagine they had many women all over the world during their tour whore time! LOL!
I agree, if there are Beatles children out there, I too Hope these kids were all taken care of as they were growing up!!! Yes, I too wonder if they ever met or know who their fathers are?
I need to reproduce with someone from some Beatley lineage! We ALL do! :-P
LOL! BeatleNut, that's a good idea to keep Beatle blood going!
Beatlebob, I've heard many stories about The Beatles having groupies too! In various documentaries, books, etc...
I remember one book in particular, called "Ticket To Ride", discussing that. I own it and wish I could find it again because it was an interesting read, and even came with a CD! But I have so many Beatles books at home, it might take a while to find that one. LOL! I was disappointed to learn that they had groupies, just like any other band. Even more disappointing how they allegedly asked for groups of girls to be brought into the room, so they could choose which one(s) they wanted!
LOL LOL! BeatleNut9! ;-)
Sadie, that book "Ticket To Ride" came with a CD too? Sounds Cool! I know you have so many Beatles books at home!! I'm sure it might take some time to find that one! LOL!
I'm sure you were disappointed to learn that they had groupies, and had groups of girls brought into their hotel rooms!! I can imagine all female Beatles fans would be disappointed to learn that the Lads didn't live up to their clean cut image!!
I don't think my copy of "Ticket To Ride" has a CD. Is it Larry Kane's book or is there another book with that title? Maybe it does have a CD & I've completely forgotten! Hmm! LOL
When I met Larry Kane at a Beatlefest, he asked if I was from Chicago. When I said I wasn't, he asked what I was doing in town. I told him…are you kidding? I flew here just for Beatlefest! He just absolutely refused to believe me. I couldn't have possibly looked like a bored youngster who accidentally stumbled in there, bought his book, & wanted it signed! Hah! Too funny…he was very nice.
BeatleNut9, You'll have to ask Sadie about that book. Or, maybe you just forgot it came with a CD? LOL! ;-)
WOW! Cool that you met Larry Kane and got his book and had him sign it!! :-)
LOL LOL!! That was so Funny that he refused to believe you flew there just for Beatlefest!! ;-)
Have a FAB Day My Friend! :-)
Beatlebob, I didn't like the idea of them having groupies, but I also found it humorous. They seem so innocent, who would've thought they were such naughty boys who let their knickers down? LOL!!!
I thought it was funny how today on the "On This Day In Beatles History" website (for April 4) it says
BeatleNut, that's cool how you met Larry Kane! And a funny story about it too! Thanks for sharing your experience!
Yes, it's the same "Ticket To Ride" book. Mine came with a CD. I recently found it by the way! Gotta give it another listen.
So with that being said, moving on to another subject, here's my "Random Beatles Thoughts"...
I read John's sister Julia Baird's book called The Private John Lennon (I own it, but haven't read it since 2010, gotta search through my massive collection of Beatles books for it... LOL.)
And now I heard she also had a book called "Imagine This". Does anyone here know if it's the same book? It could be the UK version with just a different title and cover picture. I'm not sure...
And another, different one called "In His Own Youth in My Own Words".
Out of print and pricey though! Even more expensive when signed. Fo...
I'd love to read that and Cynthia's first book (called "A Twist Of Lennon") too, which is also out of print and hard to find.
Does anyone have any more Beatle book recommendations? I recently read TIME The Beatle Invasion!: The inside story of the two-week tour that rocked America by Bob Spitz and enjoyed it! It was a nice part of my 50th anniversary celebrations in February.
I Love being a Beatle bookworm!
And the fact that you guys here won't make fun of me for being that way! LOL! Love ya! :-)
Sadie, "They seem so innocent, who would've thought they were such naughty boys who let their knickers down? LOL!!!"
LMAO!!!!! ;-)
Thanks for the Link!! It IS hilarious how they include Beatle affair anniversaries!!! LMAO!! I'm Glad even though you didn't like the idea of them having groupies, you also found it humorous. ;-)
re: "And now I heard she also had a book called "Imagine This". Does anyone here know if it's the same book? It could be the UK version with just a different title and cover picture. I'm not sure..."
Julia Baird said I've written the book (called “The Private John Lennon“ in the U.S, but titled “Imagine This” in England). So Yes, it's the same book.
Thanks Beatlebob! I figured it was probably the same book.
I remember watching documentaries called "The Beatles Biggest Secrets" and "The Beatles Women" when I had cable TV. I got a laugh out of the dirty details about their adventures with women. LOL! Both full documentaries are on YouTube, by the way. ;-)
You're Welcome Sadie!! :-) I never seen "The Beatles Biggest Secrets"! But, I've seen "The Beatles Women" on TV. Glad you got a laugh about the dirty details about their adventures with women!! LOL!! Thanks for letting us know both full documentaries are on YouTube!!! :-)
"The Beatles Biggest Secrets" is something I've seen about 3 times. There's a few stories that sound like false rumors to me, but we can't be sure. It's been so long since I've seen it, I don't remember anything other than getting frustrated with it a few times. Hmm.
I think I saw "The Beatles Women" once… :-)
I think I would get frustrated with it too! I read this review on the web:
"I saw this one recently on BBC America. Having watched/read a lot about the Beatles I was wondering what new info I could discover about the seedy side of our boys. Hang on to your hats…
Did you know that the Beatles did drugs? Were you aware that they often cheated on their lovers/spouses? Imagine my shock when I heard the rumors about John Lennon's possible affair with Brian Epstein.
Oh horror of horrors!! How could this be?? Not my Beatles!!
Biggest secrets? Maybe at one time they were. Just about everything on this 90-minute documentary has been shown elsewhere but does have some redeeming qualities. It features anecdotes from people who knew them from Hamburg – not just Astrid and her crowd, but barmaids and club managers who were working those clubs at the same time. There are also some funny anecdotes told by the likes of Alistair Taylor and Allan Williams. It's also funny to hear the dramatic music that punctuates each new 'shocking' discovery."
LOL! ;-)
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