Beatles thoughts meander like an endless rain into a paperback writer...


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I miss the days when I had the time to feed my obsession as much as I wanted to! I have to schedule time to just enjoy them & I haven't been able to throw them a birthday party since who-knows-when. Sigh. That's what THIS place is for & the chatroom! I am forever grateful.

Any musicians here need drums added to their music? All I need is the wave or mp3 file and I can easily add drums. I use an Electronic Yamaha DTX900 and just run from headphone jack to PC input  Thought that would be fun

BeatleNut9, That's so sweet!! :-)

Rocky Racoon, that's a nice gesture! I think there are a few musicians here?
That Kit you have sounds Great!
"The DTX 900 series is where Yamaha’s renown expertise in digital sound technology, acoustic and drum hardware manufacturing, and electronic drum pad development comes together. Featuring our flagship DTX-PADs, new kick pad and professional cymbal pads, combined with our professional drum hardware, the 900 series offers a feel and playability that matches what you experience when playing a set of acoustic drums. Equipped with the DTX900 tone generator that delivers exceptionally real sound, plus a number of functions that only electronic drums can provide, the 900 series offers drummers the best way to express themselves in a digital world."

Here are the Links I found on YouTube of just Moon's drumming to "Won't Get Fooled Again". :-) So Cool!


Most of you already know you can download from Youtube, right?
Beatle ♥ Girl Loves You! ♥♥♥ said:

I'm looking for it on YouTube... Is this it?

Hope this worked :) I am singing and playing drums LOL!

Hope this worked :) I am singing and playing drums LOL! Just FUN! Sorry had to use medium quality to upload, but it's the fun in it :)  Evaluations are very welcome with Happy Smiles from me :)


Rocky Racoon,

Not sure if this is the same one : "PAUL MCCARTNEY REALLY IS DEAD: THE LAST TESTAMENT OF GEORGE HARRISON" But, I'm sure it's pretty much the same as "TheWingedBeatle".
Maybe BeatleNut9 would know IF it's the same one??

 It's always Interesting to watch! Ridiculous notion that Paul is dead, but the video is nicely edited none the less! It's interesting to hear all the clues and good for a Laugh! Thanks for posting this!! :-)

Rocky Racoon,

YES, it Did Work Fine!! Thanks for posting this and sharing it with us!! Even using the medium quality for upload purposes, I Really Enjoyed it!! It sounded Great!! :-) Your Drumming was Right On!! And your voice sounded good too! :-)

Maybe you could have notched up the Beatles backing vocals a bit more? But, other than that I Really Enjoyed it!! Thanks for sharing this with us!! Perfect time for posting this right between Paul and Ringo's Birthdays! :-) Have a Great Day!  :-)

Thanks for listening and certainly my pleasure doing it. Its another super-cool,  fun activity to do. I have the whole Abbey Road, Sgt. Pepper, and Rubber Soul, plus many other hits(they all are)..Easier to say 1/3 of their entire catalog. Also, every song that appeared on all of the Rockband and Guitar Hero series. I just really wanted to promote the fact that I am serious about anyone's mp3 songs, original or not, and add drums for fun :). Thanks again for the nice comments...really appreciated. Wonder why it will not play on my PC laptop...must only work for apples. Anyway, super thanks BeatleBob, wish you were my neighbor, LOL!

Rocky Racoon,

Thanks again for posting it! I can imagine it's a fun-cool activity to do. :-) It's Great that you have the Whole Abbey Road, Sgt. Pepper, and Rubber Soul, plus many other hits! Great songs on those albums plus many other hits certainly is around 1/3 of their entire catalog! And also, every song that appeared on All of the Rockband and Guitar Hero series! GREAT!! I certainly hope someone who is a musician like you that wants drums added to their mp3 music, will take you up on your offer!

You're Very Welcome for the comments!  :-) I also, wonder Why it will not play on your PC laptop?? I played it on my Windows Desktop and it played Fine!! I have self powered speakers but, only had to turn them up 1/4 % to hear the song. So, that's a mystery? How do other songs sound on your Laptop? Maybe you need to update some drivers?? Hope you can figure it out!

You're Welcome Rocky Racoon!! And Thanks again for posting this! I Really Enjoyed it! :-)
LOL! I wish you were my neighbor too!  :-)  Have a Great Day!  :-)

The Beatles concerts were said to smell heavily of urine due to overexcited girls.


Not Fun for the clean up crew who had to clean up after the concerts!  :-(

Enjoy the August 15 Shea Stadium Concert Day!

Have a FAB Weekend BeatleGirl!! :-)

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