Beatles thoughts meander like an endless rain into a paperback writer...


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BeatleBob, I was 15 when I listened to them singing for the first time. I saw the Ed Sullivan show on TV in 67 and I remember my cousin by my side was so mesmerized she slip from the arm chair and went to the floor. LOL Yes, that would be aswesome to go back but we had to refrain not to change anything! Guess just saying hello would not change their brilliant future. :) 

That's a great memory! I can imagine how mesmerizing that moment was! Thanks for sharing! :)

All of us "Beatle People", as  we were called, have  so many good memories we should edit a book about it. :) Really! I am writing my memories for The Beatles College in Brazil. It's called "The Beatles...In my life." :) But they are somehow I never met them and living in another country. "My position was tragic honey pie...". A book about those who were in the concerts...who used to be around their places, that would be so nice.  Maybe it was already written. ?

Hi Virginia Abreu de Paula, Thanks for sharing that memory about your cousin being so mesmerized she slipped from the arm chair and went to the floor. LOL!! ;-) Yes, it would be Awesome to go back! I agree that just saying hello to them would not change their brilliant future!  :-)

I could imagine all of us "Beatle People" who have so many great memories could write a book about it!  :-) I didn't know there was a Beatles College in Brazil. That's Cool!! It's nice that you're writing your memories for The Beatles College and calling it "The Beatles...In my life." :-) Even though it's somewhat sad because you never met them and living in another country, I'm sure it can still be interesting because you have fond memories of The Beatles In Your Life! :-) Yes, I can imagine there are a few books written by Beatles Fans who didn't know them personally but, who were at the concerts and used to be around their places. If not, I imagine someday there will be such a book! Sadie, BeatleGirl, or BeatleNut9 might know about such a book like this?

Yes, I too remember Mom calling me from my bedroom to see them on Ed in 1964 and I too was totally mesmerized by what they were doing....playing their own instruments, singing, and then find out later that they actually wrote their own songs....WOW! I said "That's what I want to do", so I owe them for the thousands of dollars I am making as a drummer. THANK YOU BEATLES :)

Thank you Beatlebob. You are always kind. We don't have a real college called Beatles College. It's the name of a site in internet. LOL It's a site like this dedicated to them. Sort of Beatles Bible. However, we have not a chat room, nothing like here. I am a member of the team. We only give information and we also write about them. But...I believe in Rio de Janeiro University they give classes about The Beatles. A short course on the Beatles. Once I gave a session of Questions and Answers in our Jornalism Colllege about them! :) 

Rocky Racoon, Thanks So Much for sharing your memories about the day you saw The Beatles on the Ed Sullivan show!! And it's Great that they inspired you to become a drummer!  :-)

In late 1963 I started hearing about The Beatles and seen a few short clips about them on the news on TV. I also, heard "She Loves You" on Dick Clark's American Bandstand on his "Rate a Record" segment in September or October 1963. In the beginning of January '64 the Jack Paar Show aired a full filmed Beatles performance of “She Loves You” from England that I saw. By that time I Really Liked their sound and the way they looked!! They were So Different from any other band I ever seen or heard! I wanted to see and hear More!! In late January 1964 Murry The K and other New York radio stations started playing "I Want To Hold Your Hand", "Please Please Me", and "She Loves You" over and over again!! :-) News About The Beatles being booked to perform at 8 PM on February 9th 1964 on The Ed Sullivan Show spread like wildfire! I was looking forward to it So Much!! My family and I watched the Ed show every week. So, that night we all sat and watched the show on our Black and White Magnavox console TV. When they first started performing I was Totally Mesmerized!!!! I was in Awe!! I was Hooked!! I became a Big Beatles Fan that very night and till this day I Still Am!! I was a Beatles Fanatic all through the 60's and 70's and Love their Solo Music as well, of course!! :-)

Virginia Abreu de Paula, Aww Thank You! And You're Welcome!  :-) I kind of thought that about The Beatles College when I found the Picture Above on their website. That it's the name of that site on the internet. ;-) It sounds like a nice site! Being a member of the team I'm sure you must enjoy it! :-) That sounds interesting about the Rio de Janeiro University! Sounds Great that you gave a session of Questions and Answers in your Journalism College about them!!! I'm Sure You Must Have Really Enjoyed doing that!! :-)

Thanks for the detailed story BeatleBob..enjoyed very much. I just wish we could somehow share our collections to bring those memories back. Anything wrong with sharing? I know some hate the word trading. Oh well, Thank You Very Much!

Rocky Racoon! You're Welcome! I'm Glad you enjoyed my memories about that time and seeing The Beatles on the Ed Sullivan show!  :-)

About sharing, no nothing wrong with sharing at all! That's one of the reasons why I enjoy this site so much! I enjoy the members thoughts, memories, blog posts, news about The Beatles, videos, and pictures!! :-)

But for me, I don't give out my home address or email address here or on any site! I had a "Very Bad" experience when I did that once when I had a MySpace page some years ago!! It was a Nightmare!! And I Won't do that again! I don't even want to talk about that horrible experience, it was so bad for me! So, I Won't give out my personal info! I Hope you understand!!

Nothing wrong with just Sharing Here on This Site! I Love That! That's why I Love This Site!  Have a Great Day!  :-)


 No Problem. I understand what you are talking about. All it takes is one bad experience. Well, here is a copy/paste of the Birth of the Beatles Monthly Magazine and how it became. Would be nice if I could get the whole set w pictures converted, so that maybe we could have a section on Beatles Monthly. Let me see what I can do, if interested. See if this works.

JOHN­NY DEAN GIVES THE BACK­GROUND TO THE LAUNCH­ING OF THE BEA­TLES' OWN FAN MAG­AZINE The idea that the Bea­tles should have a mag­azine of their own first came to me when “Please Please Me” topped the charts in Febru­ary 1963. Al­though Bri­an Ep­stein liked the idea and want­ed to go ahead as soon as pos­si­ble, it seemed ages be­fore ev­ery­one had agreed the de­tails and the first is­sue of the Bea­tles Book hit the news-​stands on 1 st Au­gust 1963. Even in those ear­ly days Bri­an would not do any­thing “un­less the boys agreed”, be­cause he re­alised that hav­ing their own fan mag­azine was not just an­oth­er venue to be played but an im­por­tant step which would af­fect them for years af­ter­wards. It took sev­er­al ex­changes of let­ters to sort out the deal be­cause in 1963 Bri­an al­ways start­ed busi­ness ne­go­ti­ations by ask­ing for 50% of the prof­its. As the fa­mous SELTAEB mer­chan­dis­ing deal in the States proved a cou­ple of years lat­er, it was a very bad ap­proach to any mer­chan­dis­ing or pub­lish­ing ven­ture. Most man­agers in­vari­ably asked for a roy­al­ty on ev­ery copy sold. That way the artists got their mon­ey and if the pub­lish­er made a loss on the deal that was his bad luck. But the prime con­sid­er­ation back in those heady days was that the Bea­tles had to like you or, at least, be will­ing to put up with you if you were go­ing to work with them. Edit­ing their mag­azine meant that I would have to be at most im­por­tant events and lots of mi­nor ones too, sit­ting in on record­ing ses­sions, stand­ing around the dress­ing room on tour and watch­ing from the wings while they per­formed on stage. So we would have to get on with each oth­er. Bri­an said he'd ar­range a meet­ing so that I could dis­cuss ev­ery­thing with John, Paul, George and Ringo. My very first meet­ing with the Bea­tles took place in the BBC Play­house The­atre on the Thames Em­bank­ment in Lon­don where they were record­ing a Sat­ur­day Club ra­dio show for the BBC. Any­one who has ev­er been near a the­atre or cin­ema when a re­al­ly big celebri­ty is ap­pear­ing will know the kind of at­mo­sphere that is cre­at­ed by their mere pres­ence, and the Bea­tles were cer­tain­ly gen­er­at­ing a lot of elec­tric­ity by the spring of 1963. Small groups of girls were all over the place hud­dled to­geth­er in quick con­fer­ences to de­cide the best place to see the Bea­tles. Sud­den­ly a lit­tle group would break up and rush off hav­ing re­ceived one of those mys­te­ri­ous ru­mours that “they were just get­ting out of a car round the front” or “were just about to emerge from a side en­trance”. When I en­tered the foy­er a BBC door­man viewed me with the great­est sus­pi­cion. Giv­ing me a 'you're do­ing a very bad job of hid­ing those cou­ple of fans you've stuck un­der your jack­et' look he fi­nal­ly agreed to let me pass. A few quick en­quiries re­vealed that the Bea­tles were sit­ting up­stairs. I walked up the side stairs and emerged in­to the gloom at the back of the cir­cle. The four Bea­tles were in the seats down on the right. FLASH­LIGHTS Fa­mous peo­ple sel­dom look like their pub­lic­ity pic­tures. The Bea­tles cer­tain­ly didn't. Per­haps it was the lack of flash­lights glint­ing in their eyes or the fact that I had a chance to com­pare them with oth­er peo­ple stand­ing around. What­ev­er the rea­son, they were a bit small­er and thin­ner — no, a lot thin­ner than I had ex­pect­ed. And they all looked very sub­dued and solemn. There was ab­so­lute­ly no trace of the smil­ing, lark­ing, wise-​crack­ing boys from Liv­er­pool that I had read about. It quick­ly be­came ob­vi­ous that Paul was go­ing to do most of the talk­ing. I'd ob­vi­ous­ly passed the 'John test' which con­sist­ed of a quick once-​over from be­hind his glass­es. Paul sug­gest­ed

that we all go off and have a cup of tea to talk about the mag­azine thing. De­spite the acres of pic­tures and copy that ap­peared in mag­azines and pa­pers al­ready, Paul was not con­vinced that there was enough ma­te­ri­al to fill the mag­azine ev­ery month. “What on earth are you go­ing to put in it?” he asked me. I told him that there were enough pho­tographs of the Bea­tles and sto­ries go­ing round to fill sev­er­al mag­azines each month. I as­sured them that, al­though I would have to keep in reg­ular touch with them, I would make sure that it was not over­done. I think that the point they liked most about hav­ing their own mag­azine was that it wouldn't colour or dis­tort any of the sto­ries about them. They al­so wel­comed the idea that their fans could im­me­di­ate­ly be in­formed about any­thing that was about to hap­pen like a record re­lease or a new tour. Hav­ing met quite a few pop stars who seemed to find it dif­fi­cult to put a sen­tence to­geth­er I was im­pressed by the Bea­tles. They seemed to be in­tel­li­gent peo­ple who knew what they were do­ing and where they were go­ing, and their Liv­er­pool ac­cents would charm the fans any­where. A short time lat­er we all shook hands and off they went to do their Sat­ur­day Club ap­pear­ance, while I went off to think about the first is­sue. My very first pho­to and in­ter­view ses­sion with the Bea­tles took place at EMI's Abbey Road Stu­dios on Ju­ly 1st 1963. I de­cid­ed to use Philip Got­lop be­cause, al­though he was in his ear­ly fifties, he was the doyen of pop pho­tog­ra­phers, tak­ing nice, clear, sharp shots which were re­pro­duced in all the week­ly news­pa­per and pop mag­azines. I al­so knew that he had al­ready pho­tographed the Bea­tles and he told me that they had got on to­geth­er very well. ABBEY ROAD I had been to EMI's Abbey Road stu­dios sev­er­al times be­fore — in fact, I'd made a record in No. 2 stu­dio a cou­ple of years pre­vi­ous­ly. When we heard that the Bea­tles were about to ar­rive we wait­ed out­side and as they drew up in their cars about twen­ty fans — all girls — rushed in­to the fore­court to get au­to­graphs. George Mar­tin turned up in his lit­tle white Tri­umph Her­ald, John and Paul in a Jaguar, then Ringo and George. The Bea­tles signed a few au­to­graphs and then dashed in­to the main en­trance. Once in­side, we ex­changed quick greet­ings but it was ob­vi­ous that the Bea­tles' minds were on the record­ing ses­sion. I found out af­ter­wards that the Bea­tles had on­ly just fin­ished writ­ing the songs the day be­fore. As soon as they walked in­to the stu­dio and took out their in­stru­ments, John, Paul and George went in­to a hud­dle with George Mar­tin and mu­sic pub­lish­er Dick James in the far cor­ner, and start­ed play­ing through the songs they were go­ing to record. Bath­rooms are mar­vel­lous places to sing to your­self be­cause your voice sounds so much bet­ter when it echoes off the bare walls. Record­ing stu­dios are just about the worst place to lis­ten to any­thing be­cause the walls, ceil­ings and ev­ery­thing else are de­signed to mop up the echoes so that none of them come through on the mikes dur­ing a record­ing ses­sion. It makes ev­ery­thing sound dull and thin. I dis­tinct­ly saw Dick James nod­ding his head in ap­proval af­ter a few bars; but I didn't find “She Loves You” very im­pres­sive on first hear­ing. The lyric was very ba­sic and sim­ple and the first few run-​throughs made me feel that it was not quite up to the same stan­dard as “Please Please Me”. When I hear peo­ple now say­ing that they 'knew' a cer­tain song was go­ing to be a big hit and that they were in­cred­ibly im­pressed by it the very first time they heard it, I do won­der if there isn't a bit of the old hind­sight at work. Maybe they were, but I can on­ly tell it as it ac­tu­al­ly hap­pened. SES­SION I was en­cour­ag­ing Philip Got­lop to shoot any­thing and ev­ery­thing, of course, but once the record­ing ses­sion re­al­ly got un­der­way we left. Record­ing ses­sions are rather long-​wind­ed

af­fairs and the con­stant play­ing of the same num­ber over and over again of­ten gets rather bor­ing to ev­ery­one apart from the peo­ple in­volved. You cer­tain­ly can't take pho­tographs dur­ing them be­cause the clicks of the cam­era shut­ter would be picked up by the mikes. The next day, I got a call from Bri­an. It was ob­vi­ous he wasn't hap­py about some­thing but he was nev­er a per­son to punch you in the teeth. Fi­nal­ly he said what he had to: “The boys would rather you didn't use Philip any more. They don't want him to be the Bea­tles Book pho­tog­ra­pher.” I got the mes­sage: the boys want­ed some­body more their own age, so I had to find an­oth­er pho­tog­ra­pher. I didn't want to use one of the peo­ple who worked a lot for the pop pa­pers be­cause the temp­ta­tion to take a roll for some­body else would have been too great. Fi­nal­ly, I went for Leslie Bryce who be­came the ‘of­fi­cial’ pho­tog­ra­pher of the mag­azine for fifty-​one edi­tions, lat­er re­placed by John Kel­ly, Mal Evans and oth­ers. John­ny Dean ed­itor

"Edit­ing their mag­azine meant that I would have to be at most im­por­tant events and lots of mi­nor ones too, sit­ting in on record­ing ses­sions, stand­ing around the dress­ing room on tour and watch­ing from the wings while they per­formed on stage. So we would have to get on with each oth­er. Bri­an said he'd ar­range a meet­ing so that I could dis­cuss ev­ery­thing with John, Paul, George and Ringo".  I can't think of a most perfect job. :)

Rocky Racoon! Thanks!! So Glad you understand!!  :-)

WOW!!! Thanks So Much for posting this!! I Really Enjoyed This!! What a Fantastic Read! I'm Sure members here would Love to read more from the Beatles Monthly Magazine!! IF you could get the whole set with pictures converted , I would imagine you could start a Blog Post: "Beatles Monthly Magazine".

I don't know How you can get it Converted though?? But, if you can find a way, it would be Great! Otherwise, if you can't Convert it maybe you can post pages like this that you think the members here will enjoy. If you want to do that? For the Pictures if you want to post those as well, you can use a Screen Capture program if you have one. Pick some pages from the magazines that You Enjoy, and post them. I'm Sure other people here would enjoy them too!! If you don't have a Screen Capture Program for Pictures, here is a Link I found for Free ones.

Up to You. I Really Enjoyed This!! Thanks again!!! :-)

I found a couple of Pics on the internet from Leslie Bryce:

Photo by Leslie Bryce. Scan from Beatles Book Monthly.

Mal helping John and Ringo get ready backstage at a taping of Thank Your Lucky Stars. Scanned from The Beatles Book Monthly No. 289.

Have a Great Day!!  :-)

Virginia Abreu de Paula!  I certainly Agree! That would be the Perfect Job!!!  :-)

Have a Great Day!  :-)

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