Okay, so I was really bored the other day and looked up The Beatles and the movies they're been in and movies about them. And while on one of the websites I read that there might be a new version of Yellow Submarine coming out in like the summer of 2013. It said it was going to be in 3D. But I have a problem with this because this is the first time I've heard about this and I don't remember Paul saying anything either... I was just wondering if maybe anyone else knew that there MIGHT be a new Beatles movie, or if I just got my hopes up for nothing. :c

Hopefully it's true though! :D

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I was excited when I first heard that Yellow Submarine was going to be remade into a 3D movie, and released around 2013. But last year, producer Robert Zemeckis's movie Mars Needs Moms bombed at the box office, which had an estimated $150mil budget, grossing at only $21mil. This made Disney drop him and his production team from continuing with the project.

Read the second paragraph: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars_Needs_Moms

Sad, but at least Yellow Submarine (the original) had a limited release across theaters in US in May, and it went on Blu-Ray on June 5th.

Pixar taking it would be awemuch! (Coined by BlueMeanie#9)

That is true, Lennon_Lover! I just did a search, though, and it says Disney bought Pixar back in 2006.


I saw Yellow Submarine recently in a theatre and it was cool on the big screen, bet it would be even cooler in 3D! I hope that rumor is true! :-) I'm going to buy the new Yellow Sub DVD soon!

It's definitely not going to happen...


"That would have been a great one, to bring the Beatles back to life, but it's probably better not to be remade — you're always behind the eight-ball when you do a remake." Robert Zemeckis said so.



I want a remastered A Hard Day's Night in 3D so I can feel like I am actually in the room when John is taking a bath haha!!! And It would be cool if they remastered it in colour!

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