List all the awkward feelings you get when something Beatley happened!

You can be creative: it may happen to you, or another fan, or the Beatles themselves!

For example: That awkward feeling when... Ringo has finally written a song, but Paul butts in and shows everyone his lyrics to "Hey Jude".

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PART 1 the Beatles Chatroom, someone comes in and tells me "Aren't the Beatles overtalked about enough?" and 7 years later, I'm still making chatrooms about The Beatles.

...I thought I finally had a cool teacher who said he's a Beatles fan, but then said that too bad that the 2 of the best Beatles are gone. Beatles fans keep saying "kookoo kachoo" instead of "goo goo g'joob" and continue to keep saying that.

...I was trying to tell a fellow "fan" what Norwegian Wood meant, and she dismissed me saying "I know what it's about."

...I wanted to read the whole A Hard Day's Night script with other fans for fun, when this girl started reciting the whole script by herself.

...I thought someone was going to play a Beatles song, but it was a Jimi Hendrix song instead.

...during Paul's shows, a person on stage is setting up the instruments, and people cheer louder, thinking it's Paul.

...whenever I hear airplanes flying, I think "BACK IN THE U.S.S.R." wait, that's not on my playlist!

...I first mixed up The Beatles names because they all "looked alike" to me at one point.

...I get PM (personal messages) about how Yoko's ugly and a witch, only later joking that I look like Yoko.

...I haven't heard a Beatles song in a while, and I confuse whether Paul or John is the lead singer.

...I think that George is John or John is George singing. They sometimes sound alike!

...even if I tell someone that John was the walrus, they refer to the Glass Onion saying the walrus is Paul! mom tells me the Beatles sound (and look like) girls! LMAO.


...I start screaming (when a Beatles song is on the radio) or crying (when The Beatles are on TV) and my mom thinks I've won the lottery.

...someone asks me how I became a Beatles fan, I tell them, then they change the subject saying "I'm sleepy now..." or "Are you a good person?" wtf.

...I join Beatles events, and some older fan asks, "You're so young, how'd you get into The Beatles?" and they say that music knows no age! pff. mom's friend tells me I won't like the party we're being invited to because there'll be no hip hop, and rambles to everyone how young people don't know music.

...someone adds me on facebook thinking I'm in my 60s and when I say I'm in my 20s, they unfriend me.

...someone thinks I'm 40 or older and is all friendly to me online, then next thing I know they stop talking to me.

...someone says they're a Beatles fan too, but can't even name their favorite Beatles album or say they've watched any movies.

...Beatles fans I meet in New York say they're a huge Beatles fan, but never visited Strawberry Fields, a John Lennon memorial site in the city.

...someone who says they love The Beatles, but wants to talk about The Rolling Stones or The Eagles instead.

I agree...I get people all the time that ask me about them, but then when I start talking about them, they change the subject. What's that about? YOU ASKED! lolol, jerks!

LOL!!!!! You go, BeatleNut! I would be all ears to anyone who can talk to me about Beatles anything. I'm never Beatled out. lol

I was so excited today! Someone asked me a Beatley question and *almost* payed attention to my entire answer! I think he heard most of it before he glazed over and wondered off... :|

^ Hahaha

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