Have you ever wondered what really made the Fab Four split? Well, I have. And I highly doubt that it was just Yoko who who broke them up. Actually, I don't think she had anything to do with it. If you look back at '69-'67, those were pretty tough years for our four heroes. I mean, they were dealing with family issues, drugs, money, and each other. I bet they were so stressed out that they wished they never started the Beatles at all. Which is understandable. Fame does come at a price.

I also think that not only stressed, but also depression pulled them apart. Take a look at a picture of Paul McCartney from 1964 and put it next to a picture of him from 1969, there's a lot of difference in those picture. Not just because he has a bread and long hair, but he also is a bit chubby (although it is very cute ;D). And with John, he was average sized in '64, but got very skinny in '69. I think this is because, when people go through depression they deal with it differently. In this case Paul's depression was like a 16 year old girl's who just got broken up with by her boyfriend and now only sits on the coach watching Jersey Shore all day. Which he actually did (minus, the Jersey Shore though). And John's was that of a 34 year old ex-gold medalist who broke their leg and was told they could never compete again so all they do is exercise and cry without eating.

  For George and Ringo, they both seemed annoyed with John and Paul and ready to burst out of the Beatles and do other things. Ringo already stormed out of the studio a few times stating he wanted out. And George wanted to learn more about meditation and spiritual enlightenment.

  In my opinion all this equals up to how the Fabulous Foursome grew apart. BUT! I could very well be wrong! So, that's why I'd like to hear what you have to say about the end of the Beatles! What do you think happened? How do you think it all ended? 

(P.S. I didn't really know if I should this in the After the Beatles or Beatle Days XD. Sorry!)

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:( This topic makes me sad, but it makes all that interesting!

Yes, I agree John, Paul, George, and Ringo had just "grew apart" just like the boys in the movie Stand By Me. They were close as young boys, but as they got older, they found that life pulled them in different directions. They needed to start families and do their own thing, without The Beatles always there to push them to what they needed to do for their fans.

Imagine if they continued to stay popular and always together, then John would never have found the time to be a good dad or stay a home body who liked to bake and watch tv. We would never have gotten pure John Lennon albums. Paul would never have formed Wings with his wife, Linda. (Who in their right mind would let Linda or Yoko in as part of The Beatles? hah.) Paul also couldn't have time to spend at his country home and find out that fish have feelings, too!

George would never have focused on Hare Krisha or his spirituality and his love for India or found his wife Olivia.

Ringo, well, could never have been a movie star (Caveman) if he was always drumming for The Beatles.

They needed to grow as human beings, not just as musicians. They were like together 24/7 for too long!!! :(

I think Yoko was just a symbolism in the whole picture - as something that didn't quite fit, a figure of tension. A foreign figure that just made them more aware that things weren't working out or aren't as they used to be anymore.

We found out that John chose to be with Yoko instead of being with 3 men. After all, :( all things must pass...

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