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Comment by BeatleBob on September 11, 2012 at 12:53pm

LMAO!!! Well, I Always thought it was "I Can't Hide"!!! LOL! ;-)

You're So Welcome Sadie!! So Glad you enjoyed it!! :-D

Alyssabeth: I'm So Glad too that none of The Beatles never died of an overdose! Like so many other famous musicians did!

Comment by Sadie on September 10, 2012 at 4:40pm
I'm not the only one who misheard that lyric in "I Wanna Hold Your Hand"! Bob Dylan and NowhereGirl13 also thought it was "I get high" instead of "I can't hide"! LOL!

Alyssabeth, I'm glad none of The Beatles never really did die from an overdose!

Thanks Beatlebob for sharing all this info below! I really enjoyed it! :-)
Comment by BeatleBob on September 10, 2012 at 11:37am

continued... After the hotel room was secured, Dylan rolled the first joint and passed it to Lennon. He immediately gave it to Starr, whom he called "my royal taster". Not realising the etiquette was to pass it on, Ringo finished the joint and Dylan and Aronowitz rolled more for each of them.

    I don't remember much what we talked about. We were smoking dope, drinking wine and generally being rock'n'rollers and having a laugh, you know, and surrealism. It was party time.

John Lennon

The Beatles spent the next few hours in hilarity, looked upon with amusement by Dylan. Brian Epstein kept saying, "I'm so high I'm on the ceiling. I'm up on the ceiling."

Paul McCartney, meanwhile, was struck by the profundity of the occasion, telling anyone who would listen that he was "thinking for the first time, really thinking." He instructed Mal Evans to follow him around the hotel suite with a notebook, writing down everything he said.

    I remember asking Mal, our road manager, for what seemed like years and years, 'Have you got a pencil?' But of course everyone was so stoned they couldn't produce a pencil, let alone a combination of pencil and paper.

    I'd been going through this thing of levels, during the evening. And at each level I'd meet all these people again. 'Hahaha! It's you!' And then I'd metamorphose on to another level. Anyway, Mal gave me this little slip of paper in the morning, and written on it was, 'There are seven levels!' Actually it wasn't bad. Not bad for an amateur. And we pissed ourselves laughing. I mean, 'What the fuck's that? What the fuck are the seven levels?' But looking back, it's actually a pretty succinct comment; it ties in with a lot of major religions but I didn't know that then.

Paul McCartney

On the Anthology DVD the George said we would never be High when we met the Queen. But, later Ringo said, he didn't remember, he was too stoned at the time. LOL LOL ;-)

Alyssabeth: Thanks for sharing that story with us!! :-)) I see why you thought they were stoners! ( "I get high" instead of "I can't hide") LOL LOL! Yep, they were stoners since August 1964!! I remember Ringo saying on the Anthology DVD, that they were Stoned during the Filming of HELP! And John said at that time, they woke up stoned almost every morning in those days! LOL! ;-)

Comment by BeatleBob on September 10, 2012 at 11:37am

You're Welcome Sadie!! :-)  
re" I never knew Micky was invited by Paul to attend the Good Morning, Good Morning session! "
I didn't know this either till now!

re"That song was in the very last Monkees episode! The original Beatles version!!"
I didn't know this either!! Cool!

re:"Weren't The Beatles stoned when they first met Bob Dylan and I think, Elvis Presley too? And even The Queen? LMAO!"
The Beatles first met Elvis in Bel Air in 1965.
On 28 August 1964 Bob Dylan introduced The Beatles to cannabis.

On 28 August 1964 Bob Dylan introduced The Beatles to cannabis:
The two parties were introduced by a mutual friend, the writer Al Aronowitz, at New York's Delmonico Hotel. Upon arriving at The Beatles' suite Dylan asked for cheap wine; Mal Evans was sent to get some, and during the wait Dylan suggested they have a smoke.

    Brian and the Beatles looked at each other apprehensively. "We've never smoked marijuana before," Brian finally admitted. Dylan looked disbelievingly from face to face. "But what about your song?" he asked. The one about getting high?"
    The Beatles were stupefied. "Which song?" John managed to ask.
    Dylan said, "You know..." and then he sang, "and when I touch you I get high, I get high..."

    John flushed with embarrassment. "Those aren't the words," he admitted. "The words are, 'I can't hide, I can't hide, I can't hide...'"

The Love You Make
Peter Brown

Some of The Beatles had actually been introduced to cannabis in 1960, but the drug had made little impression.

    We first got marijuana from an older drummer with another group in Liverpool. We didn't actually try it until after we'd been to Hamburg. I remember we smoked it in the band room in a gig in Southport and we all learnt to do the Twist that night, which was popular at the time. We were all seeing if we could do it. Everybody was saying, 'This stuff isn't doing anything.' It was like that old joke where a party is going on and two hippies are up floating on the ceiling, and one is saying to the other, 'This stuff doesn't work, man.'

George Harrison

Comment by BeatleLuvr13 on September 9, 2012 at 11:28pm

LOL! I didnt knoe what the Beatles were most of my life, and I remember my brother telling me I was stupid and didnt even know who the Beatles were, and being the smartest kid in the family, and not wanting to lose my ego, I lied and said yes I do! And hes like then how did they die, and (I dont know where I got this, but I just had this sense that they were HUGE stoners lol...which they kind of were) I said they overdosed on drugs, and mr brother is like no one got shot and the other got cancer.(LOL I dont know why, but this is one of few childhood memories I remember! LMAO!) So than I had a bit more knowledge because of my Ringo obsession by the time I hit 6th grade, and they always played beach boys and Beatles in the morning. The same songs, for about an hour before school started  lol. Good Vibrations, Hello Goodbye, and I want to hold your hand. I remember loving the morning music, and always singing a long and I would always sing I get high I get high, and I would just wonder why would they sing they get high, and referring back to my before story I just thought they were huge stoners still lol. So the moral of the story is I always thought the Beatles were stoners.

Comment by Sadie on September 9, 2012 at 8:45pm

Yeah I already knew that, Alyssabeth! Bob Dylan told them he thought the lyrics to I Wanna Hold Your Hand say "I get high" instead of "I can't hide". LOL I always used to think the same! But I thought they meant 'high' like super happy, not "high" like on drugs! Haha!

Comment by BeatleLuvr13 on September 9, 2012 at 8:34pm

Bob Dylan introduced them to pot

Comment by Sadie on September 9, 2012 at 8:25pm

I never knew Micky was invited by Paul to attend the Good Morning, Good Morning session! Awesome!!! That song was in the very last Monkees episode! The original Beatles version!! LOL weren't The Beatles stoned when they first met Bob Dylan and I think, Elvis Presley too? And even The Queen? LMAO!

Comment by Sadie on September 9, 2012 at 8:23pm

That's awesome!!! Thanks for sharing Beatlebob!!!!

Comment by BeatleBob on September 8, 2012 at 2:04pm

 Micky and Paul hanging out at Paul's house in Feb. 1967.

 Micky, Paul & Martha
The reason why Micky and Paul both look so....funny is because while the photographer was taking pictures, they were completely stoned. Micky talks about this day in his book.....
"Paul rolls an enormous joint of hash and tobacco and lights it up. The sweet, pungent smell of the high quality herb fills the room....."

The next day, Paul invited Micky to a Beatles recording session [The backing track to "Good Morning Good Morning" was made that day].

Micky remembers: "I was invited to a recording session. So I dressed up in all my caftans and beads and glasses with sparkle stuff, and I was sure I was gonna go to this unbelievable-pop-historical-Andy Warholesque-Fellini event with the Beatles and groupies and God knows what. I walk into EMI Recording Studious on Abbey Road and it's like a doctors office-- bright fluorescent lights. The guys are sitting there in shirts and t-shirts and slacks with their instruments, and George martin is in the booth. "Right, once again, and three,four...." I was so stoned and stunned. I was just walking around, "Ohhhh." "Right, okay, once again...Right, cut it, time for tea lads." And the guy comes in with a big tray of tea and sits it on the card table and they all sit around and we had tea for 20 minutes. And I'm blown away. I couldn't believe it. And then they went right back to work; they were workign lads from the north. They just did this 16 hours a day for years. That's where all that stuff came from. So I floated out about an hour later."

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