John Lennon, songwriting, and 72 thousand years later....

Anyone who truly knows John Lennon's entity of work knows that his music traverses all languages, religions and ethnicity. When i was a kid back n the mid 1970s  (many year ago I am 45 now) i used to

listen to the Red and Blue Greatest hits albums over and over ..... I have a nice memory of a spot on, " In my Life" where i would uncontrollably yawn (where the C major goes to the C minor). Its a vivid memory and i still do it at that particular spot. I know, that's weird!!! I cant explain why that song has that affect on me.. I love the tune and its self describing true to life perturbations of ours or his life. Lennon could evoke many images with few words. Thats where a lot of his ability lies. His words could take you to anywhere your mind would let it. He gave it the road and you drove the car in a sense. Plus of course his uncanny ability to pull up great chord progressions and melody lines always gave the song a enticing melody for a hummable shortcut to our memory. His lyrics/words can make you go off into a endless number of life absorbing tangents. A more powerful simplified, edited,and much easier to focus on adaption of the stuff Dylan was composing back in those days. I have heard interviews where John would say he just threw some words together and a few nice chords.. It was so much more that to us. maybe simple to him, but in essence it was magical... So much more than just tossing out words to see where they land. Nobody gets that lucky on the scale his work encompasses.... His songwriting will be revered till forever..I love John Lennon's music and I am a better/happier person for having it "In My Life".. Thank You Johnny and happy 72st birthday . We all still shine on..

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Comment by BeatleBob on October 4, 2012 at 11:32am

Thanks BeatleGirl! I pass the Dakota Building whenever I'm on the West Side Express Bus. When the bus stops at the light on 72nd street, I stare at the Dakota with such mixed feelings!!

Happy 72nd Birthday John!!!

72nd Street - 72nd Birthday!  ;-) Just like October 9th 1975 - John's Birthday, Sean's Birthday and the day John won his Deportation case! That Really was some Day in 1975!! :-D

Comment by Annalina Lennon McCartney on October 3, 2012 at 2:52pm

Wonderfully written blog! I enjoyed it, as well! :D Happy *72nd* Birthday Johnny Boy!!!

Did y'all know The Dakota's address is - 1 West 72nd Street  New York, NY 10023


Across it is the Strawberry Fields memorial where the Imagine mosaic is.

Comment by BeatleBob on October 3, 2012 at 2:48pm

Beautifully Written! I Really Enjoyed this!
re: "I love John Lennon's music and I am a better/happier person for having it "In My Life".. Thank You Johnny and happy 71st birthday . We all shine on.."
I Agree! Thank You for sharing this!

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