Hey there!


Here is a fun contest where you can dress up or try to look like a Beatle or Beatle Girl (wife or girlfriend) or Beatle Person!


You don't have to look exactly like the person you are imitating, but you can copy their pose or what they're wearing. For example, if a Beatle has on a cowboy hat, you can wear one too and try to copy his pose. Or if a Beatle Girl has tons of mascara on and is smiling, you may copy that. 


Here is an example of someone imitating John:


Got it? Proceed to post the picture of you and the person you are imitating! Have fun!


Note: This is mostly for fun, but I will gave away a graphic "trophy" as an award. I will make my mom judge this lol If you need any help, just ask me why or what :-) Send me a message, drop me a line!

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[Update: Nevermind, Sadie has deleted her photos. :(]

Awesome you did a great job with these! :D They're both good imitations of both of them! :-D

I was thinking of imitating Yoko because I have the hair for it and I don't have to wear make up ;-) but that is too easy, and Sadie said I should be someone else! :-P I decided to be Jane haha because it would be more of a challenge and I love Paul!

Anyway, this is what I came up with... I will add more if I find any more pics that resemble me as a Beatle Girl :-D

I found a pic I had that I guess is of me with  make up on hahaha :-D It's me as Maureen!

Yay! Your other lookalikes pics are gone, but now you have a Jane one! Cool! :D

I tweeted that I wanted to "rock the orange hair" lmao, but that would do total damage on my hair, plus, I'll probably look like a clown, and I was trying to look for pictures to compare myself with, but I ended up just looking at photos of them online instead!

You could just wear a wig or change your hair color in Photoshop instead Beatle Girl! ;-)

Having red hot hair is more fun than being a boring brunette or dumb blonde. haha.

Jane was the only redhead Beatlegirl I think, unless you consider Linda to be one because she was kinda "strawberry blonde". lol.


Anthony Cappucci should enter this contest as George! :D




This is JP Walrus taking the place of Paul XD


And me posing as Oh Yoko!

LOL! You're a much better looking Yoko, Ann! :)

I think Yoko was just fine if she had just fixed her hair or put on some make up. John didn't care how she looked - she had and has an amazing mind nobody else could compare to, and that's what he needed! She was an individual. I'm glad she didn't try to look like everyone else. She looked like Yoko, no matter how everyone hated her or thought she was ugly whether she wasn't a pretty white girl or considered beautiful in the norm.

Thanks Sadie haha I love this pic - it's cute and I dunno it's just cute, and Yoko makes it look weird. Wait well now there's me on it... I make it look even more weirder!

The Yoko one is my favorite, teehee! :D

Well, I love you two. I'll share if you really want me to! That's just what a good friend does... ;]

Here you go! I can always go to Paul [John: "Anna, go with him"] if John's arms are occupied. ;)

Yeah! Between the 4 of them, the 3 of us should have a pretty easy time sharing! :D

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