Beatles thoughts meander like an endless rain into a paperback writer...


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HAHA! Nothing more amusing than Beatles fans having online debates! 

Yes indeed BeatleGirl, it's just a bunch of people who act like know-it-alls trying to sound knowledgeable, and then a ton of illiterate people trolling them shortly afterwards saying that they're wrong. LOL!!! Yes it was on BeatleLinks but I see it alot more often on YouTube (I don't even scroll down and read the comments over there anymore. I wish they were always disabled!)

And BeatleNut, you're very observant about "every little thing" from the movie HELP! I never noticed those things until  now that you mentioned them! And how old were you when your mother had to calm you down when you went hysterical? I'm assuming you were very young! Hahaha!

Now I have the sudden urge to watch Help for the gazillionth time again too, mainly just to search for that handsome guy you mentioned! It's not John though, right?  ;-)  LOL!

I always thought it was John too because it sounded like him! "I've got blisters on my fingers!" But now I see it was Ringo!! Thanks for the Links BeatleGirl! And all of the investigative work you did on this! And Yes, the YouTube video link you provided certainly proved it was Ringo! I listened to the end of the song again, and Now I agree that it does sound like Ringo instead of John! :-) YES! Case Closed! :-) Thanks everybody for chiming in on this! :-)

Sadie: I agree about what BeatleGirl and You said about it being so amusing looking at Beatles fans having online debates!! LOL!! Sometimes I still look under the YouTube videos to read the comments for a Laugh! LOL! Some of the comments are So Absurd!! And you're Right about BeatleNut9 being so observant about "every little thing" from the movie HELP!!! :-) No, it wasn't John! LOL!! ;-) The guy who gets slapped shortly after Klang got out of the blimp was one of Klang's soldiers. He Slapped him because he didn't have a clean shaven face. LOL!  ;-)

There are so many Cool and Amusing scenes in Help!! I Love the "You got to hide your love away" scene in the movie! I Love the song and the scene was brilliantly done!! :-)

LOL! Thanks for closing the cases for me Beatlebob! I figured it wasn't John because BeatleNut said she always thought this guy was handsome but never told anyone. So duh, it can't be John! LOL!!! ;-)

I think the music scenes in Help were done alot better than in AHDN (and not just because it's in color!)  That reason alone makes Help my favorite Beatles film and worthy of watching an infinite number of times! <3

Sadie...I was about 7 or 8 years old when I finally saw "Help!" for the 1st time. I know that I didn't see "AHDN" until I was 7-ish, so after that, my mom knew to show me all the rest too! :-)

You're Welcome Sadie! But it was BeatleGirl who mainly did all of the investigative work for the "I've got blisters on my fingers!" thing with Ringo!! :-) I just remembered that scene from The Help movie that BeatleNut9 was talking about!! :-) I agree with you about the music scenes in Help!! Luv Them!! :-)

BeatleNut9: Your Mom sounds So Cool!! :-)

I appreciate all the research BeatleGirl did about the "I've got blisters on my fingers" mystery! :-)

And everyone else for confirming it was indeed Ringo!

Oh how I wish I had a Beatley parent like BeatleNut and BeatleGirl do!

Or even better, wish I was around to experience the original Beatlemania like Beatlebob was! :-)

I appreciate it too Sadie!  :-)
Yes, BeatleNut and BeatleGirl have Cool Beatley Moms!!   :-)
I wish I could go back in time and experience the original Beatlemania all over again!!  :-) Only this time being older than I was so I could have attended the Ed Sullivan show, Shea Stadium etc etc! :-)

Sadie Rita [♥] said: I thought they had set fire on the Bambi theater. It started because they set the condons on fire but it spread to the building. Not right? 

I actually did know that already, LOL! I'm listening to the song "Baby, You're A Rich Man" and the lyrics say "Natural E" (referring to a music note, but with my dirty mind, I thought of it as a cup size) LOL I'm a natural D/E and I'd be happy to trade with you, BeatleGirl! Hahaha!

Sadie: On Saturday, I was listening to Beatles-A-Rama in the car & heard an interview with Ringo. An interviewer actually asked Ringo who it was & he admitted it was him! :-)

Talking about wishes regarding Beatles, i wish I could travel on time and space so I could really be there. I would go straight to Hamburg. Also to Liverpool in their early days. And everywhere else! Because I do remember the mania so well, however, I have never seen them as I am Brazilian. Beatles never visited our country. When I got to London they had already split. Too late.

BeatleNut, that's awesome! I listen to Beatles-A-Rama radio too! I didn't know you could hear it inside of a car?? Cool! And I'm glad you heard Ringo himself say it! That's the most official confirmation! LOL! :D

Sadie, I agree! That's So Cool that BeatleNut heard Ringo himself say it!! Cool!! :-)

Virginia Abreu de Paula, I too wish I could travel back in time to experience Beatlemania all over again!! But, this time I would want to be at least 18 years old, so I could be in the audience at the Ed Sullivan show, see them at the Shea Stadium concert etc! I was only 12 years old when I saw them in 1964 on  the Ed Sullivan show on TV. IF I could go back in time I also, wish I could see them in Hamburg and Liverpool in their early days too!! Wouldn't that be Awesome!!  :-)

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