Paul will also win the Best Historical album for Band on the Run.



Ringo Stevie Wonder will be presenting someone there. Will it be Paul?

ALSO, The Beach Boys (with Brian Wilson) will also be there to perform!



Watch the Grammy's Red Carpet Live!

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I'm so excited! :D

Man, I missed it! I heard Paul & maybe even Ringo were both supposed to be there. I can't find any videos online either, sadly. :[    I don't like watching stuff like the Grammy Awards or American Idol, etc. anyways.

I remember last year a member of this site, Mrs. McCartney said she was watching the Grammys for Paul but he wasn't there and she felt like she was watching a bunch of crap. LoL. The only other performers I am interested in are The Beach Boys, everyone else... eh. Haha. Can someone here who's seen it describe how it was? I bet the Paul part was awesome :)


All I could find for now is this page with a few photos...



Hey Sadie!


I don't have TV, but I watched it online haha


You can find clips of the show on YouTube if you search for Paul + Grammys!


LOL @ The pic. Paul's face got graped. I think My favorite Beatle now is Stu Sutcliffe now. Lmao

Here is another pic of Paul:

Thanks for the advice, but it looks like YouTube took down all of the videos due to copyright issues. Grrr! xD

LOL your favorite Beatle should be Pete Best now. You can't have Stu, he's my Valentine. ;-)

Sadie Sutcliffe


Haha, Nvm, I'm going for Keith Moon. He will by my Valentine. ;-D What a sexy drummer.

haha remember we said we couldn't believe how bad taste Paul & Ringo have in music?
They seriously have said they like Lady Gaga, The Black Eyed Peas, and Beyonce. HAHAHA!!!

Yes. I even saw Ringo pose with Justin Beiber... *rolls eyes* GAG!

LOL @ Beatle Girl, I know you don't really like Keith Moon, you're just trying to make me jealous. If you weren't my bff I'd be @#$%!^&$ASDFGHJK  *beep* -censored- right now. LMAO.

I found a video of Paul performing his Golden Slumbers/Carry That Wight/The End medley! :-) You should be able to watch it now.

We should bring back polls to this site. Our February one should be "Which Beatle would you like to be your Valentine?" I know Beatle Girl would vote for Paul and Beatle Nut will vote for John. I'd vote for Stu. If he's even considered a Beatle. haha.

YESSS!!! Finally video footage of The Grammys. Thank you SO much for posting! I'm dying to see footage of him singing "My Valentine" over there too! :D 

@ Sadie

I would make Paul my Valentine, but since he likes to be handled by so many women, I'm gonna make John, George, and Ringo my Valentines as well He's not the only one who can have a polyamorous relationship! xD Hahahahaha.

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