Paul will also win the Best Historical album for Band on the Run.



Ringo Stevie Wonder will be presenting someone there. Will it be Paul?

ALSO, The Beach Boys (with Brian Wilson) will also be there to perform!



Watch the Grammy's Red Carpet Live!

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I'm sad to say Ringo hasn't been feeling well :(

When Paul said that Ringo was "feeling under the weather" it really meant that he was sick, with pneumonia.

That is why Ringo couldn't attend the Musicares event or perform or even show up at the Grammys.

To view Beatles fans tweets go here:!/search/realtime/%23GetBetterRingoStarr

View Steve Marinucci's Report on Ringo's absence:

@ Beatle Girl

I understand. Fictional polyamorous relationships are fun, aren't they? Hahaha. Thanks for making the poll, the pictures are so cute! :)


I love the Internet for always being able to keep up with the latest news on Paul & Ringo.

It's official. I voted for John in the poll, as predicted! :]

YES! :)

The only good part of the Grammys :]

There's a link to a photo on this thread (which I WILL NEVER CLICK ON) and I hope Paul knows that LADY CACA wears THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS OF WORTH OF FUR COATS. REAL ONES AND EVEN THE ANIMALS FACES AND HEADS ARE ON THEM! I am glad he wasn't smiling or seemed like he enjoyed being face raped by a hideous hypocritical horrendous hearted person who once wore dead kermits costume as a way to speak out against real fur... Yeah right, wearing carcasses, fur, animal heads is SO fashionable. If she wants to lose weight, lose the fur.

WOW!!!! I didn't know that Lady CACA (LOL) Wears REAL Fur Coats, with the Animal's FACES and HEADS on them!?!? DAMN!!! That's so DAMN HORRIBLE!!!! I'm a Animal Lover!! That Sickens Me!!!! She's a pretty talented musician! But, I was never really fond of her. Now she Sickens me after hearing This!! I wonder if Paul knows about This? WOW!! REALLY.......Lose The FUR Lady CACA!!!!!!

Ugh, she just reminds me of Cruella De VIL now. I remember watching the cartoon and the live action, and that character just creeped the bits out of me! Now she exists >:( as a real life soulless MONSTER.

Before I was okay with some of her songs, but they didn't speak out to me, but what captured me is how hypocritical and everchanging she was. She is just a few years older than me, but she looks like she's 60, dead, and full of lies.

For example, she says she's a New Yorker - but her accent changes to Britlike American. She is against bullying, but her very own fans bully and attack gay people, saying "I hope you get AIDS" and disrespect anyone who doesn't worship her. I shared my opinions a few times about Gag gag, and 100% of the time, I was cursed at and been told that I'm an idiot. They can't take any critism of their scumbag fake "Mother" who only cares about the money she gets from music and ticket sales.

She needs help, because I think she's lost herself to this GAG GAG character, it's just unhealthy... Her superfans seem to be creeps who either don't know much about her, or just wanna fit in as a lil monster. They are ignorant to the line the she can do no wrong.

I love and adore animals too - I believe humans can and WILL do more harm than animals would ever do to our Earth. We all belong here, but here we are with money hungry companies who make it available and seem luxurious for narcissistic careless USELESS celebrities the fur of a once living BEAUTIFUL animal who didn't have a choice, but to be worn as a piece of decoration. These "fashion icons" most likely didn't even learn a thing about what they are wearing on their shoulders. All they care about is vanity and knowing that the thousands of dollars they've spent went on investing on more skinning animals so there can be more fur coats, stoles, and heads for them to buy and wear in the future.

I am just really upset, and I think this person Stefani, is officially, in my book insane and needs help!

LOL! Cruella De VIL, is Right!!!! Yes, as a Real Life soulless Monster!!

I hear she is a talented musician. BUT, her songs never did anything for me either! I don't think she would have made it anywhere if it wasn't for that GAG GAG Character she chose. Just yet another Weird Fake Persona that brought HER to Fame and Fortune! And YES, how hypocritical and ever changing she was!! She Does look like she's 60!!

That Example you wrote about just proves how hypocritical and ever changing she is!! Sorry to hear when you spoke up about that, you felt the wrath from her ass hole misguided disciples!!! :-(( But, that's what you'll get from people who worship that kind of Monster when you criticize her!! YES, "They can't take any critism of their scumbag fake "Mother" who only cares about the money she gets from music and ticket sales!!!"

She Sure Does Need Help!!! And her Fans do too!!

I Love and Adore Animals too!! And what you said about Humans vs animals is Right On!!

Re:"We all belong here, but here we are with money hungry companies who make it available and seem luxurious for narcissistic careless USELESS celebrities the fur of a once living BEAUTIFUL animal who didn't have a choice, but to be worn as a piece of decoration. These "fashion icons" most likely didn't even learn a thing about what they are wearing on their shoulders. All they care about is vanity and knowing that the thousands of dollars they've spent went on investing on more skinning animals so there can be more fur coats, stoles, and heads for them to buy and wear in the future."

So TRUE!!! Hey, if you like the look of Fur or the Warmth it might provide there IS FAUX Fur!!! The same Holds True for the Fashion Icons who feel they need to make a Disgusting fashion statement for their own Vanity!! Faux Fur is cheaper and innocent animals won't be needlessly slaughtered for the money hungry companies nor the narcissistic people who wear them!!!!

I see why you're upset!! She Sickens Me and upsets me too!!! She Surely Needs Help!!!

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