Beatles thoughts meander like an endless rain into a paperback writer...


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Here's a good one: I once thought (on Twitter) that #FF meant "Fab Four", actually it means "Follow Friday" LOL!

Me & Sadie or Sadie & I were thinking about what to call the Beatles stalls in our Pepperland Community. "Let It Pee!"

Let It Pee! That's awesome!

I was wondering what Paul meant by "when the cupboard's bare". I was hoping he wasn't singing about chest cups! cuz I'm almost bare there, but he says "there's something there with my love". :D So it's all good. I so need a Beatles cup.

HAHAHA, that was cute, "BeatleGirl!" :]

I'm totally addicted to this blog called "Did You Know?" and on the 155th page, I saw this:

I actually did know that already, LOL! I'm listening to the song "Baby, You're A Rich Man" and the lyrics say "Natural E" (referring to a music note, but with my dirty mind, I thought of it as a cup size) LOL I'm a natural D/E and I'd be happy to trade with you, BeatleGirl! Hahaha!

I thought this was cool!


LOL @ Sadie. I'd find it flattering if John really did have the naughty "Natural E" in mind, but I don't have that, so I'll just to have to "Let it B"!

Being really random, here I present a John gif! Scene from A Hard Day's Night ;)

LOL that gif is not totally random, it's actually on topic since he wrote his hobby was "T*TS". That explains the lady's shocked face expression. HAHAHA!!!!

Here is a random fact!


I actually want to listen to all the Beatles songs (+BOOTLEGS+) and do a recount! LOL!

Love is the theme of pretty much every Beatles song. :)

I tried making a list of my favorite songs so when the next time somebody asks me "What is your favourite Beatles song?" I would have it ready, but then by the time I got to 40 songs, my fingers started hurting...

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