What is this:
This "exchange" is for Beatles fans that cannot afford certain items or can't find a rare item not available in their area and such. For example, if I'm looking for a book, but there's only one that costs $30, and I cannot spend that much, maybe someone on here will have that same book and let me borrow or lend it to me.

Just type what things you are looking for, and what things you can offer. This is a type of "pay it forward" exchange, meaning that you do not have to give something to get something, but it would be nice if you can send someone something next time!

How you can trade:

- Online media (if you can upload/download the content)

- By Mail (if you live far away)

- In Person (if you happen to be neighbors) 

You can send each other mailing/meeting info. Assuming that we can trust each other here, we can give personal info in private, and ask if we want the item back or if a trade is possible.

Good luck!

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YAY! I had your address before but lost it. haha. For being my best friend in the world, I'll send you a Beatley gift you won't have to return! ;-)

This is an AWESOME idea, especially for you 2 NYers! :P

Haha! @BeatleNut9 That would be nice, but Sadie is a Kansan; I'm the New Yorker! BeatleBob is a NYer but we haven't heard from him in awhile. @Sadie LOL! We've been meaning to send each other Beatley gifts since 2 years ago, but still haven't because we're too lazy to go to the P.O. and we don't even have a dollar to spend on shipping!

I sure hope he comes back soon! :[

Okay... Since I digitally have the book "A Date With A Beatle" I have loaning options.

I can loan the ebook to anyone for 14 days. Please ask me if you'd like to read it! <3

* You can read it only for the duration of 14 days.

* You have to be in the United States

* You can read it on your computer

Btw, once it's on loan, I cannot read it! haha, so it'd be nice if you are in desperate need for this book, and cannot afford it, like I was just a while ago before I accidentally bought it! lmao!

I have the book, but everyone else should take the opportunity to loan it from Ann! It's AMAZING!

Anyone have a copy of "Loving John" that I can borrow? I am not buying it from Amazon for $30 bucks. lol

My guess is that Yoko's been buying all the cheap copies and destroying them all! Hahaha.

How convenient! Thanks a bunch, Alyssabeth.

No problem

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