Talk about whatever you want in here... This is the long and winding thread that leads me to the fab four!

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Well guys & girls, I wanted to write a blog post on here, but I did not want anyone linking to this site because of the subject matter at hand. Gotta protect our Beatle Headquarters! Check out my latest blog post Papercup Writer (March 12, 2012)

(Afterthought... Omg, I just almost spent an hour on the post alone. I guess since I haven't written anything there in 3 years, my Beatle diarrhea spilled all over that mother. I don't feel bad about it at all. Hahaha.)

LOL, cute blog! I've had some serious issues with boyfriends being jealous of the lads...and what they don't understand is I'd rather get rid of the boyfriend and keep the lads (DUH!) but they are always surprised by this! They threaten to leave if I don't choose them over the lads. Do you know what I say? BYE-BYE! hahahahaha

Haha yay! I got a reader!

Same here, BeatleNut, but I don't really date or go out with anyone who isn't a fan. I tend to go for guys who can play instruments and know how to play and sing Beatles songs, which I have! Anyway, some guys can be insecure because they have this big ego thinking they're better than anyone else and think they're better looking than other guys so they think they can get prettier girls all the time, until at a later age, if they've ever reached maturity, they will go for personality and looks, and not just looks alone. That's my take on that! I think it would be amazing if you met someone for you at a Paul concert, BN! LOL!

I hate males. That's why I've never dated before and don't ever want to. lol. Someone on Facebook told me the other day I should try to find someone, but I just love The Who way too much to ever be with some stupid real life guy. haha. ;-)

I hate to admit this but even The Beatles were shallow. They said they preferred girls with blonde hair who looked like Bridgette Bardot. *rolls eyes*

Males are evil, it's true...don't ever waste time trying to date one. You're not missing out on anything! :[

Thanks, I sometimes feel like I am missing out. But I've heard they are evil, and can cause broken hearts or babies. And I already have enough problems! lol.

It's safer to just dream instead. ;-D 

I always want to stay single forever! :]

I changed my profile to pic to something more flowery. :)

I see that BeatleNut has been ready for spring with her John flower pic! ;)

Men usually want one thing and food. If you can't cook or look good, you'll never find a husband!

A way to get through that is with  money. Money is universal... though he may spend that money on whores.

Not trying to be a misandrist here, but Sadie is right... they can cause broken hearts or babies!

They're also VERY immature. You know how the saying goes, Boys will be Boys. It's hard to find real men nowadays.

LOL Beatle Girl! Spring is in the air, and love is everywhere! :)  But not for real men, only our Beatle boys of course! ;]

So yesterday, I found out 3 things about Beatlefest.

1. I never received their news letter in the mail at all! :( I signed up again.

2.  I didn't know you can actually watch Beatlefest live online!

3. They overprice things. A lot. Every year -.-

Reasons why I like Tumblr: Juicy Beatles Pictures! Yum.

Reasons why I don't like Tumblr: Can't see freakin' comments, there's no discretion, and so many posers.

Reasons why I like Tumblr: Posers scanning and uploading Beatles pictures. That's all they're good for.

Reasons why I don't like Tumblr: I don't get it.

Reasons why I like Tumblr: Posers making gifs and writing stupid, yet funny captions on pictures.

Reasons why I don't like Tumblr: Reblog. A never-ending cycle of seeing the same picture over and over again.

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