Beatles thoughts meander like an endless rain into a paperback writer...


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It's like choosing between hundreds of children, right? It's so very hard and impossible...but my go-to answer when people ask is "A Day In The Life" because, if I had to choose, that one really tops them all for me.

I know exactly what you mean, Beatle Girl! I admit there are a few (very few) Beatles songs I don't care much for, but there are none that I dislike/hate, so I can say every song of theirs is a favorite! lol! I can't even try to make a list of my top favorite ones in general because it would go way up over 40 tunes! haha.

For me, it's "In My Life" it sums up pretty much everything I've ever felt in my life...

"Yes It Is" may be the dreamiest thing I've ever heard in my life. I've got in on repeat...and repeat...and repeat!

I've always got "I'll Be Back" on repeat! I'm addicted to it! If I must choose a fav, it would most likely be it or "Strawberry Fields Forever".  :)

There's so many underrated ones, but "I'll Be Back" is another one that comes to mind! It's stunning!

It's sad how many Beatles songs are underrated. Pretty much every one is a masterpiece! I can't believe what a forgotten beautiful ballad "Yes It Is"  is! 

I find it odd how the "greatest band" even has underrated songs.

None of them are underrated to me lol I love each and every one!

Take those quotation marks off 'greatest band' Ann. Because it's not just a saying, it's the truth. haha.

It amazes me how almost every Beatles song is mind blowing good.

And none are underrated to us!

Agreed! Every song is underrated in my opinion. I just don't feel like they get enough praise, as loved as they are. I still don't feel like the world completely gets it! Will they ever learn?

I'm filling my Amazon wishlist with all kinds of Beatley goodies in case anyone wants to give me gifts! :D

I used to watch this show, but I don't remember these characters!

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