Beatles thoughts meander like an endless rain into a paperback writer...


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Omg I remember that cartoon Lmao I remember it was like 2 old people with an ugly dog and they lived in "Nowhere, Kansas" like me haha I'm in Oz but feel like I am in Nowhere Land. I used to watch it and The Powerpuff Girls (that's actually how I became a Beatles fan! LOL)

George quit the Beatles on February 10,1969 but returned February 15,1969 after being threatened by John to be replaced by Eric Clapton! 

Stuart Sutcliffe never saw the Beatles become famous, for he died of a brain hemorrhage at 21 in early 1962!  :( 

Those random thoughts are both heartbreaking. :(

I remember that Paul said that he'd quit smoking pot months ago. I bet he was thinking about it today! Lmao! 

haha months ago? So he was  smoking pot at 69? Lol never thought an old man would do that......I guess I was wrong

Haha, I can't believe it either. I thought he quit back when Beatrice was born when he was 63, because his then-wife Heather Mills told him to, but I guess he didn't! Now he does? Maybe Nancy had something to do with it, as well.

Paul McCartney stops smoking pot for his daughter Beatrice


LOL Omg, I can't believe he said he just NOW gave it up.

I think he said he has quit many times!

My mom was singing "Happiness is.... All You Need is Love" LOL!

Apparently, you CAN do that! HAHAHA! I wonder if the person who posted this ever realized they wrote "can." However, it's such a SEXAY video that I didn't realize it said "can" until I had watched the video 5+ times, LOL!

haha Beatlegirl "your mother should know" those are 2 different songs. My mom dosen't even barely know any Beatles songs...sad.

and BeatleNut dosen't Johnny boy look yummy in that video? I like you CAN do that better... *wink* ;-) LOL!

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