I know it's hard *not* to call JPGR by pet names you've thought up!

What are some of your secret pet names or nicknames do you have for them?

Mine are:

George - Georgie Poo

John - Johnny Boy

Ringo - None :/ Ringo already sounds like a nickname for him. Haha.

Paul - I just like calling him 'Paul' or "my man" LOL! Lately, I've been calling him my honey. But he will always be 'My Love'! :D

If I wanna be extra sweet, I guess I could include 'Paulie Pie'. Haha. For Ringo, he'd be Ringo Bear... 

Overall, I like calling them by their regular names.

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Beatlenut called John her precious penguin once LOL I used to call John "Johnny Boy" also and sometimes 'Winston' [his middle name] but I don't normally refer to them by petnames. Overall, I like calling them by their regular names too.You're right, Ringo already actually is a nickname! haha

I know some girls have dirtier names for them... LOL! Especially on those slash/fanfiction sites. :o

I'm afraid if they ever get listed here, and Paul or Ringo visits, they'd be traumatized! Or probably even flattered! Haha.

I wonder what pet names their wives gave to them or they gave to their wives or girlfriends...

I can imagine Yoko being called "Yoko Bean" LOL 

My favorite is how I call George "Gorgey," as in gorgeous George. I came up with it when I had a dog named "Georgey" & then started calling him "my gorgeous Georgey," etc.! :-)


Speaking of cute...

John would be "Cuddly Bella"

Paul would be "Darling Cuddles"

George would be "Charming Puss"

Ringo would be "Precious Mittens" Hahaha!

Cuddly Bella, Darling Cuddles, Charming Puss, & Precious Mittens actually all fit the right guys correctly!

LOL! Precious Mittens actually kind of makes sense! Since Ringo plays the drums! "Charming Puss" is a cute name! Sounds like a cat!

According to that chart, my name is "Lovely Boots". I like it because it sounds Beatley! LOL!

LOL!!! I'm jelly. I'm Lovely Spike :( Boo! Spike reminds me of a cartoon pet dog name. lol

I should make a Beatley version...

LOL LOL!!!! I Wish mine was "Lovely Spike"!!! Mine is "Sweet Lady"!!! :-(( I Don't like that Chart!!! LOL!

LMAOOO BeatleBob. Shall we call you "Sweet Lady" from now on? Hahaha! 

At least you can associate yourself with "Dark Sweet Lady" :D We oughta switch birth dates! Hahaha.

Since George has two birthdays, he can be Charming Precious Puss!

LMAO BeatleGirl!!! No Thanks!!! ;-) LOL!!

re: "At least you can associate yourself with "Dark Sweet Lady" :D We oughta switch birth dates! Hahaha."

Thanks For That!!  :-D

Re: "Since George has two birthdays, he can be Charming Precious Puss!"
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!  :-)

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