Me & BeatleGirl were discussing this topic in the chatroom recently.
She said she wants to make a "Top 40" list of her favorite Beatles songs.
I thought it would be interesting for me to make my own, and then compare our lists to see how many songs/albums we had in common.
It's interesting how everyone has different favorites. For example, NowhereGirl13 said her favorite Beatles song is "In Spite Of All The Danger". LOL! BeatleGirl & I laughed because we've never heard ANYBODY say that was their favorite Beatles song. :O
Well this thread is for anyone to make a list of their top favorite Beatles songs and/or albums. It can be your top 3 favorites, or your top 100 favorites! It can be in a specific numbered order, or in no particular order.
Have fun! ;-)
Sadie's Top 20 Favorite Beatles Songs
(in no particular order)
A Day In The Life
Strawberry Fields Forever
I'll Be Back
Yes It Is
Not A Second Time
While My Guitar Gently Weeps
Eight Days A Week
She Loves You
Please Please Me
Across The Universe
And I Love Her
In My Life
Hey Jude
I Wanna Hold Your Hand
I'm Only Sleeping
Revolution [the single version, not Revolution 1 or Revolution 9 lol]
Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)
There are no Beatles songs that I dislike, just some that I think are ok. lol.
I was too lazy to make a top 40 list, so I did a top 20 instead, haha.
My top 5 favorite albums:
Rubber Soul
The Beatles AKA The White Album (It dosen't count as 2 albums since it's a double album, right? haha)
A Hard Day's Night
Magical Mystery Tour
And in solo Beatle music...
My favorite John song is Imagine
fav albums : Walls & Bridges, Double Fantasy, Imagine
My favorite George song is Isn't It A Pity
fav albums : All Things Must Pass, Living In The Material World, Cloud Nine
My favorite Paul song is Maybe I'm Amazed fav albums: Band On The Run, RAM
My favorite Ringo song is Photograph fav albums: Ringo [the 1973 album], Y Not
LOL Alyssabeth you have the weirdest favorite songs! haha BeatleGirl, I'm looking forward to your list! ;-)
BeatleBob's Favorite Beatles Songs
( in no particular order)
A Day in the Life
All You Need Is Love
And I Love Her
A Hard Day's Night
Carry That Weight
Day Tripper
Dear Prudence
Do You Want To Know A Secret
Don't Bother Me
Don't Let Me Down
Eight Days a Week
Fixing A Hole
Get Back
Getting Better
Hello Goodbye
Hey Bulldog
Hey Jude
I Am The Walrus
I Feel Fine
I Want You (She's So Heavy)
It's Only Love
No Reply
Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)
Nowhere Man
Penny Lane
She Came In Through the Bathroom Window
Strawberry Fields Forever
Sun King
Tell Me Why
Ticket To Ride
We Can Work It Out
You Can't Do That
You've Got To Hide Your Love Away
Ask Me Why
I Call Your Name
Leave My Kitten Alone
Please Mr. Postman
The Night Before
(too many to list)
John: Post Beatles:
Bless You
Gimme Some Truth
Going Down On Love
Hold On
I'm Losing You
Look At Me
Mind Games
Nobody Told Me
Oh My Love
Steel And Glass
Out The Blue
(and more...)
Paul: Post Beatles:
Every Night
Let Me Roll It
Maybe I'm Amazed
Oo You
Too Many People
3 Legs
Wild Life
I Am Your Singer
Big Barn Bed
Let Me Roll It
Venus And Mars
Rock Show
Letting Go
Take It Away
(to be continued) ;-)
I'm a huge fan of "Julia." Definitely my favorite John Lennon song and probably my favorite Beatles song.
On this Lennon tribute box set from Bermuda, you can check out a cover of this track and other covers of his songs here.
Hey Bermuda Lennon, welcome to this site!
Julia is a gorgeous song!
Beatlebob you sure picked alot of favorites, but I don't blame you! It was hard for me to narrow down to just 20! lol!
Yes, Julia is a gorgeous song!
LOL! It was hard enough for me to pick that many favoroites, because there's more!!! LOL! ;-)
Thanks for the warm welcome Sadie Jones! On our tribute to John, artist Christina Frith does a pretty arresting version of this song. Definitely worth checking out.
Beatlebob, how do you feel about the song "For No One?" That's another one of my favorites. Some days it's easily my favorite Beatles song.
Sadie Jones [♥] said:
Hey Bermuda Lennon, welcome to this site!
Julia is a gorgeous song!
Beatlebob you sure picked alot of favorites, but I don't blame you! It was hard for me to narrow down to just 20! lol!
For No One is amazing! That's a great cover version of "Julia"! And again, welcome to the site! :)
"For No One" is a Beautiful song. One of my favorites on the Revolver album from Paul! A song about the end of a relationship, sad and haunting that Anybody can relate to. The song's working title was "Why Did It Die"? ...a love that should have lasted years.. It was about Jane Asher. A sad song, but Beautifully written and the Melody is beautiful!
You can also see the reactions on some of the audience members face's when Paul does the song on the "The Space Within Us" DVD, a lot of emotion!!
Thanks for the Link to the Christina Frith's cover version of "Julia"! I agree with Sadie! It's a Great cover version!! Sounded Beautiful!
I forgot to welcome you to the Site! "Hey Bermuda Lennon, Welcome to the site!!!" Enjoy your stay here! :-)
Wow someone knows their stuff! Thanks for the kind words guys. Just to let you know, we, The Bermuda Lennon Tribute, are doing a contest on our facebook page. You can enter to win some tribute CDs by liking our page.
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