Camera man a.k.a. Norm: Okay lads, try to look handsome here! I'm taking this photo for the front cover of a newspaper coming out this week.
Paul: Okay, Norm.
John: aye, aye!
Ringo: Yeh, ok
George: *nod*
[camera shutters]
Beatles make funny faces!
Norm: AGHHH! Why did you boys do that for?! You're supposed to look your best! That was my last roll of film, too! [-facepalm-]
Paul: So this is what it's like to be unattractive...I never would have known that feeling!
John: I'm just going to impersonate "Twitchy." [Bobby Dykins, of course]
Ringo: I'm a hamster!
George: This is my evil grin...muahahaha.
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