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I would if I could! I've tried making Jib Jab videos before, but the faces never seem to fit quite right which frustrates my perfectionist self lol! I think it was perfect how a turtle was part of our spooky family! Cute video!

Sadie! I would imagine if I tried making a Jib Jab video it would come out like a real Mess!! LOL!! I wouldn't even try!! BeatleGirl makes Great Jib Jab videos!! I Loved how the Turtle was part of our spooky family too!!!  :-)

The Dakota

1 West 72nd St, New York, NY

For sale: #34 for $6.8 million & #46 for $14.5 million © Zillow

In 1980, all eyes were on the Dakota, the Manhattan co-op where John Lennon was murdered. But some say this historic building has had a long history of paranormal activity, and that Lennon himself witnessed the Crying Lady Ghost walking through the halls. Since the music legend’s death, others have reported seeing the ghosts of children wearing turn-of-the-century garb.

John Lennon’s Ghost

BeatleGirl! WOW!!! What a Beautiful Picture of the Dakota! And WOW!!!!!!!! Reading those Two Links were so eerie but very interesting at the same time!! What Paul was saying and George and Ringo finally agreed! And What Cynthia and Yoko said!! And others reporting seeing John among other spirits! All I can say is it could be True!!

Truly Fits Halloween!! ;-)

Yeah! That was interesting reading a tidbit about The Dakota, and where its name came from! I'd like to imagine though that if John's spirit were around, he'd rather be hanging out at a cooler less eerie place like Strawberry Fields in CP. Although he probably does go back to the apartment to play his white piano. That was also nice of John to pay his bandmades and Cynthia and Yoko a visit! :)

I've never heard about the crying ghost lady though, unless they meant it was them hearing Yoko's cries at night!

It sure was Interesting reading about The Dakota!! :-)

re: "I'd like to imagine though that if John's spirit were around, he'd rather be hanging out at a cooler less eerie place like Strawberry Fields in CP."

I Agree!! I think he'd rather be hanging out there too! And I would Imagine he probably does go back to the apartment to play his white piano too. YES! It was also nice of John to pay his band mates and Cynthia and Yoko a visit!! :-)

They "might" have meant the crying ghost lady was them hearing Yoko's cries at night.  :-(

BeatleGirl! "Although he probably does go back to the apartment to play his white piano."

Reminds me of this Picture by rpclennon ¥ nowhereman:


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