Post Beatley jokes here that you find or can think of! :D

What did George Harrison say to his guitar while it gently weeped?
Don't Fret

What did the centipede sing to his girlfriend?
I Wanna Hold Your Hand Hand Hand Hand Hand....

Do you know who the Fifth Beatle is?

Yeah, just look at Ringo's nose.

Why did Ringo give up learning guitar?
Because it gave him blisters on his fingers.

Which of the Beatles lives in Australia?
Dingo Starr!

Which of the Beatles is always in a rush?
George Hurryson!

Which of the Beatles is yellow and sour?
John Lemon!

Which Beatles song is about their favourite vegetable?
Peas Please Me!

What is a pig's favourite Beatles song?

What is a pig's least favourite Beatles song?

I wanna hold your ham

How can you say all of the Beatles' names in one sentence??
"ByGeorge, said Paul while sitting on the John, where'd my Ringo (ring go)?

Why did The Beatles cross Abbey Road?

To get away from Yoko.

What year did Paul McCartney write silly love songs?
1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969...

What did Ringo say to Barbara in bed last night?

It don't come easy.

What did Paul say when he saw a ghost in his livingroom?

I'm looking through you!

Knock Knock. Who's There?

Ringo 2012.

Can you think of some more Beatles jokes?

We'd love to hear them!

Some I made up myself, some I found from these sites!

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Those are cute :]

What did John say when Yoko asked him what type of art she displayed?

"Avant garde a clue."


Okay, um here's one? XD

Which Beatle is always on the keyboard?

- Ringo Starkey (asterisk) lol!

Knock Knock!

Who's there?


Ringo who?



Comic of the day! :D

LMAO!!! That Cute!!! :-D

LOL! That is so cute and clever! :-)

Why was John Lennon shot? Yoko ducked.

LOL!! ;-)

Welcome to the site Alex!  :-)

BeatleBob said:

LOL!! ;-)

Welcome to the site Alex!  :-)

Thank you!

You're Welcome! Hope you enjoy the site!!  :-)

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