Animal poaching has gone out of control. Majestic creatures being butchered for personal gain or used for entertainment in circuses or made captive by zoos. They are often abused and kept in small cages.

Hundreds of elephants are killed by poachers every year just for their tusks.


Here are 7 ways you can help elephants now:

1. Support organizations working to protect habitat,  to stop illegal poaching and ivory trade, or building sanctuaries and other places for domesticated elephants to live freely, such as these.

2. Boycott organizations that exploit/abuse elephants for entertainment and profit.
Elephants do not belong in circus tents or zoos. Period.

3. Buy wood products certified by the Forest Stewardship Council.
The FSC promotes “environmentally sound, socially beneficial and economically prosperous management of the world’s forests,” the elephant’s natural habitat!

4. Buy fair-trade, shade-grown coffee.
Commercial crops grown on plantations have decimated elephant habitats.

5. Don’t buy ivory!
Antique ivory can still be legally purchased and can be found in jewelry, pool cues and balls, dominoes, and piano keys.

6. Adopt an elephant at an animal sanctuary!
You can make a difference in the life of an elephant today by sponsoring or adopting an elephant who lives at an animal sanctuary (such as The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee).  Your donation and/or sponsorship helps to pay for food, shelter, and vet bills.

7. Talk about elephants!
Starting a conversation can get people thinking about a topic differently, and the more people who are aware of their plight, the more chance we have to help change it. Spread the word not only about why we should help, but how we can.

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Thanks to WildLife SOS and the support of people, an elephant in India named Raju who was kept for 50 years in captivity (chained up and abused) has finally been freed!

"We don't have a lot of information about Raju's earlier life.  We believe he was probably born in the wild almost 50 years ago and when he was just a baby, caught and sent to live his life as a working elephant.  He has spent almost 50 years in chains and most likely would have died never known freedom.  However, on July 4th, Raju took his first steps as a 'free' elephant because of your support.  Below is a photojournal of his journey to freedom. Below is a photojournal of his journey to freedom."

Is this the one Paul was involved to set free?  He also signed a guitar to auction for an organization that helps elephants.

YAY!!! Thanks BeatleGirl!!  :-) I'm So Glad to see Raju has finally been freed!!! :-) Thanks for the Link!! GREAT!! :-)

Virginia Abreu de Paula, I think the one Paul was involded with is a Different organization.

"Paul is helping to save one of the world's most beloved species:

Paul recently signed a Martin D-28 left-handed guitar, which was put up for auction and raised an astonishing $50,000 within minutes. Bidding began in the morning on eBay with a starting bid of $10,000 and quickly reached the impressive final amount in no time. Proceeds from the auction will go to "The Nature Conservancy's African Elephant Initiative". Alongside his signature, Paul also scribed, "This guitar saves elephants" on the Martin guitar. A fitting slogan since the funds will be used to increase security for elephants on the ground in Africa and reduce demand for ivory."

But, still GREAT!!  :-)

Thank you. But before this auction I saw about another elephant which was rescued and in the article they said Paul had written a message to the president of that nation asking for that elephant. But of course is not the same as Raju is free only now. I saw about four of five months ago.

Virginia, I think it is Mali the elephant that you recall. Paul wrote to the president of the Philippines urging him to transfer her to an sanctuary.

BeatleBob, You're Welcome! :-)

What's also good to know is that even though Raju's captors launched a legal battle to get him back, the court dismissed the case!!! This is a victory not only for Raju but for other elephants held in captivity!

In the article below, you can see Raju happily playing in water, being fed his favorite foods, and his wounds being tended. Now the tears he cries aren't tears of sadness anymore, but tears of joy. I can agree that Raju is thankful for his human friends! :-)

And Happy New Year everyone. Ring out the old ring in the new.

Yes, Mali, that's the one. Thank you. 

Aww, I read that same article about Raju the elephant this morning too! It was refreshing to finally read an animal story with a happy ending! The one thing that saddens me most is animal cruelty! I'm glad Paul and Ringo are both animal rights activists too! :-)

By the way, this new layout is so sweet! Even the buttons have a confetti background! Cool! :-)

I love animals mysefl. In 1987 I founded with some friends, an organization for the protection of animals in my city. For a reason - I was not told which one - the directory fired me in 2012. The worst part is that after sendind me and my friend Diane away they sort of ended it. I felt like someone had kidnapped my baby and killed him. Nowadays me and Diane are on Meat Free Monday.  We released it in 2010, same year Paul released it to the world. At that time it was a campaign organized by my organization. But only me and Diane were really interested. So, when they closed its door to us we kept on with Meat Free Monday in an independent way. By the way, Diane is vegan and I am almost vegan. I can call myself vegan because I still eat eggs, though only the green ones.  I know some of the green ones are not in fact green. But the ones I buy are straight from the farms, not from those boxes they keep the hens. Where I live is sort of difficult because not enough options. Only now I discovered where to buy organic vegetables. It's a region of farmers that only create cattle. Every party we go is full of meat, specially barbacue. But things are getting better. At least they treat me better. When I became vegatarian, many years from now, people would keep me apart. They would not talk to me. :)

Virginia, being a vegetarian or vegan is something to be proud of! Sorry to hear how you were treated! That was very nice of you and your friend to start an organization! Even if it ended, it lasted for over 20 years and that's also something to be proud of. I have been helping stray cats since 2008, I give food and water and even sometimes shelter for any cat I find outside. I can't stand to see them suffering. Being an animal lover means you have a big heart, and one thing Beatles fans should know about is LOVE! :-) 

BeatleGirl! Thanks for the Link!! I AGREE!! This is not only a Victory for Raju it's also for other elephants held in captivity!! :-) And from the Link, they said "We're already planning our next rescue"! Great!!! I also can Agree that Raju is thankful for his human friends! :-) I Loved the outcome for poor Raju!! Now Raju is finally saved!!  :-)

"Founder of the charity Kartick Satyanarayan, who led the daring, midnight rescue to save Raju said: 'We are beyond overjoyed that Raju is finally saved.

'This is a huge victory, not only for Raju, but for every elephant suffering in pain silently.

Mr Satyanarayan added: 'Raju and our herd of hope are the lucky ones. But there are 67 performing elephants in India – many of which suffer daily beatings in order to make them perform.

'We're already planning our next rescue – the desperate case of a blind elephant who is forced to perform even though she can't see for crowds. It's a pitiful case and we need to free her so she can join Raju.

'Now the public can help him live out a dignified life in peace with even a small donation,' Mr said Kartick, whose charity is dependent on public donations.

'All these elephants have known from human beings is pain and suffering – now we're asking to help us help him live out their days, with grass under their feet – free from humiliation and pain."

Thank Goodness for people like this!! I Wish them the Best to be able to rescue more Elephants!!!

Virginia Abreu de Paula, Thank You!! A Happy New Year to You! :-)

Sadie, I Agree! It's So Refreshing to read an animal story with a happy ending!!! :-) Being an Animal Lover too, it saddens me so much to see so many instances of animal cruelty!!! :-( When I see these things on TV, I have to turn my head away! I can't bare to look at it!!  I'm glad Paul and Ringo are both animal rights activists too! :-)

I Agree! BeatleGirl did a Fantastic job on the new Layout here!! I LOVE It!! :-)

Thank You BeatleGirl!! :-)

Virginia Abreu de Paula, I agree with Sadie!! I'm So Sorry to hear how badly you were treated!! :-( "That was very nice of you and your friend to start an organization! Even if it ended, it lasted for over 20 years and that's also something to be proud of"!! I Certainly Agree with that!! Be Proud of what you have done!!!

Sadie, I know you've been helping stray cats for a long time now!! That's So Sweet!! And that's something to be proud of!!

"Being an animal lover means you have a big heart, and one thing Beatles fans should know about is LOVE!"   RIGHT ON!!!! :-)

Thank you all. Wow, today is the first day of a brand new year. First decision is not complain anymore about things from the past. Diane and I are doing fine with our Meat Less Monday campaign. If any of you have facebook just write Segunda Sem Carne MOC MG  and you will find me there. :) 

As a curiosity I say, without complaining, that things happened to us, thanks to a woman who joined the organization. She was a friend of mine and I introduced her to the others. She convinced the president me and Diane were no good. I don't know her arguments, though. Only we were different from them. I have to agree as we were both vegetarians and  we could not support tests on animals. They were in favor. Anyway, this lady had a terrible fight with the president and the vice president later. She left. Isn't funny? She brought the problem...they listened to her, then they also fight...Now the organization is empty...  It seems she came only to split us. :( I still have this desire of working for a santuary. I feel that would be like heaven to me, though I know it is not an easy task, to keep a santuary. One magical day we would receive the visit of Paul! :)  He would love it so much...Starting a new year with a new dreamy project. This idea of being visited by Sir Paul in my santuary just popped in while writing. LOL. May the angels say Amen. Meanwhile I try to make my place a cozy place for animals as well. Have some cats and dogs around me. Lots of birds all of them flying free. Pigeons come every day at the same time. No problems with the cats. And sometimes I am blessed with little monkeys also arriving. They stay for a while and then leave. Really lovely. I can't rescue an elephant though, for obvious reasons. That's why a santuary would be so good. When a kid, this place I live was much bigger. We had a cow and a horse.  Nice memories of childhood with animals. I wish all your dreams come true. :)

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