We will create an imaginary Beatle Community,

And I declare myself mayor of Strawberry Fields,

if you're up for this task, SIGN up here,

as you will have to "clock in" and "clock out"

rent / buy a home, do things, and more!







[[ Tell me if you would like to see more added to this list, or any more ideas. ]]



Here are the already made-up characters in Strawberry Fields:



Mr Kite ~ Owner of Le Cirque Club, a circus

Anna ~ I guess this should be me, Mayor of Strawberry Fields! (Played by Beatle Girl)

Jojo ~ Pot-smoker who lives in his cardboard box that says Two Spoon A Rid Zone A

Prudence ~ A Shy girl who never goes out to play (Played by BeatleNut9)

Sexy Sadie ~ A day tripper who works at a stripper club (Played by Sadie)

Maggie Mae ~ Another day tripper who works at 15 clubs a day

Miss Lizzie ~ Lizzie, a smart, young hippie who has a crush on Jojo (Played by Beatle Hoe)

Doctor Robert ~ Townsfolk's doctor who prescribes a certain medicine for headaches (Played by Beatle Bob)

Eleanor Rigby ~ Old hag who lives in the end of the town who lives with her cats

Father Makenzie ~ Town's only preacher, Old and Astute, he spreads The Word

Loretta Martin ~ A sweet old women who believes in the preachings of Father Makenzie

Nowhere Man ~ A loner like Jojo, but never has any friends. Used to be Eleanor's ex-lover

Her Majesty ~ The Queen of the Universe, Though no one's ever seen or heard her!

Mean Mr. Mustard ~ Likes going to the bank saving his 10 bob note up his nose and walks in the park, collecting junk

Polythene Pam ~ Crazy woman asking if anyone's got polythene for her to eat

Lucy ~ A Girl with kaleidoscope eyes who loves to fly with diamonds

Julia ~ A woman with seashell eyes, who plays the banjo, for kids, by the seashore

Lady Madonna ~ A Nun at the church where Father Makenzie Works

Lovely Rita ~ The town's meter maid; she looks like a military man!

Mary Jane ~ The weird girl who's always at the party, and scares people!

Michelle ~ Lizzie's Best Friend, Also very smart, plays the piano, and speaks French!

The Fool ~ Likes to visit Nowhere Land and sit up on the mountain talking to himself


John Lennon ~ As himself

Paul McCartney ~ As himself

George Harrison ~ As himself

Ringo Starr ~ As himself



Here are the stores, places, and things:


PLACES TO GO: (Costs 20 Beatle Money Each)

Across the Universe (Sky Terrarium)

A Hard Day's Nightclub (Night club - Have Fun & Flirt!)

Nowhere Land (In the plains, in the meadows)

Norwegian Woods (Tall dark trees and gloomy. No one wants to come here!)

Golden Slumbers (This will grant you a vacation - UP TO 40 days!)

Junk Store (Old vintage things...)

Flying in the Sky (Where Lucy a girl who loves to fly with diamonds)

Magical Mystery Bus (Takes you to different places in town!)


(( To visit a place use *Goes to insert a place here* and I will report what happens when you do. You may add any Beatle Place that I have not yet Listed! ))


FOOD! (Costs 10 Beatle Money Each)

A Taste of Honey ~ A spoonful of honey makes your tummy and day better!

Glass Onion Soup ~ Delicious French Soup made by the best cooks in Pepperland

Honey Pie ~ Pie made with honey, melted with apples, with a soft warm crust


(( To eat, use, **Eats insert a food here** and I will update what you eat and how much you've spent ))



Blackbird (500 Beatle Money)

Blue Jay (450 Beatle Money)

Freesa Bird ~ (600 Beatle Money)

A Bulldog ~ (1200 Beatle Money)

Walrus ~ (5000 Beatle Money)

12 Elementary Penguins (2500 Beatle Money)

Monkey ~ (4,200 Beatle Money)

Three Cool Cats ~ (900 Beatle Money)


(( To buy a pet, you will need 100 Beatle Money for adoption papers, and the addition money to buy the pet ))




Baby You're A Rich Man - Earn up to more than 4,000 BM (Beatle Money)

Baby's in Black - Here's when your boyfriend or girlfriend has broken up with you

Bad Boy - What a rebel! 

Golden Slumbers - When you're dead or want a vacation

Good Morning, Good Morning - Day Time

Good Night - Night Time


(( I will apply these titles when appropriate ))




- The first time you sign up, you get 400 Beatle Money

- Everyday you sign in, you get 100 Beatle Money

- Each Activity you do, you will get 100 Beatle Points!

- Everytime You Buy Something, You get 400 Beatle Points!

- Exchange 1,000 Beatle Points for 4,000 Beatle Money!

Views: 851

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YAY!!! Of course I want my character to be Sexy Sadie ~ A day tripper who works at a stripper club


LOL! Me & Beatle Girl, "Anna the Mayor" even made an entire site once to play the Pepperland community game!




It's so much fun!! ^_^

YAY!!! I know, haha! I Wanted to make it here too! We should find pictures or roleplay stuff for this game!


I guess we can be imaginary roommates! What will our address be? 909 Blue Jay Way? Hahaha. Fab 4 Street? 19-69 Abbey Road? 1234 Beatle Boulevard? LOL.


Strawberry Fields Status: 7/31/11

Population: 2

Sexy Sadie: 400 Beatle Money

Anna: 400 Beatle Money


LOL!!!!!! Population 2! We need more... lol


UH OH! The time machine is shaking, Today is July 31, 1964.


The Beatles decide to come over and play a concert at the

Pepperland Paladium for Sexy Sadie and Anna of Strawberry Fields.


Beatle ♥ Girl Loves You! ♥♥♥ said:

YAY!!! I know, haha! I Wanted to make it here too! We should find pictures or roleplay stuff for this game!


I guess we can be imaginary roommates! What will our address be? 909 Blue Jay Way? Hahaha. Fab 4 Street? 19-69 Abbey Road? 1234 Beatle Boulevard? LOL.


Strawberry Fields Status: 7/31/11

Population: 2

Sexy Sadie: 400 Beatle Money

Anna: 400 Beatle Money


LOL!!!!!! Population 2! We need more... lol


This is Great! LOL :-))


I'd Like to be Doctor Robert

Doctor Robert ~ Address: # 9 Penny Lane


Your "Status" might land you in "Golden Slumbers" after the medicines I might prescribe? LOL ;-)



I'll prescribe some antivert for the Shaking Time Machine! Don't Worry!


I Hope you enjoyed the concert! I Did! Was Great seeing John doing You Can't Do That! :-D

Dr. Robert Says: I got pills for every occasion, a pill for every need. So Don't Worry! 

John & George Enjoyed my Pills when I used to be a Dentist. Now I'm a Pharmacologist. Well, I'm off to listen to Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds. Will catch up soon! Have a FAB Day! :-D


BTW: I got my Pharmacology Degree at the Timothy Leary Institute.  ;-)

Haha! Great Ideas, Doctor Robert!


I've calmed down and relaxed from my Beatlemania after taking those medications you prescribed!


Strawberry Fields Status: 8/2/11

Population: 3

Sexy Sadie: 400 Beatle Money

Anna: 500 Beatle Money

Dr. Robert: 400 Beatle Money


Glad you liked the ideas Mayor Anna! :-D

Sexy Sadie: I found these Photos while we passed through

1967 with the Time Machine, on our way to 1964. 


Are one of these Strippers YOU in the Photos?? Or, do you 

just work at the strip club?  ;-)

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