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Can you even believe this crap is being written?

I couldn't help but laugh at that article. Conspiracy theories galore! I'm not even sure if that Paul quote is true. Hopefully not, because it does sting! I find it hard to believe he would say such a thing. Calling Ringo old and senile? :-O
I did think that Paul's long lost daughter who was allegedly born before he rose to fame was a bit interesting though. She actually does resemble him somewhat! But who knows? I remember when some guy named Bowvayne claimed to be George's long lost son a while back. Although skeptical, I saw a slight resemblance too! Hmm... I actually do believe stuff like this is still being printed because tabloids and paparazzi never stop gossiping and spreading false rumors! Thanks for posting this though, BeatleNut. It made me laugh!

Yeah…there's no way this article is true at all, including that quote. You're welcome for the laugh!

I don't think the article is True at all either!!! Yes, including that Quote! So Unbelievable it made me Laugh!

re: "I actually do believe stuff like this is still being printed because tabloids and paparazzi never stop gossiping and spreading false rumors!"

re: "Can you even believe this crap is being written?"


Thanks for posting this BeatleNut!! It made me laugh, but made me mad afterwards!!

I just braced myself and checked out the infamous "SuckMyBeatles" Twitter page and it made me laugh, just like this article. For an organization (which is probably all done by just one idiot) they sure know quite a bit about The Beatles. You'd think a hater wouldn't know that much about something they claim to hate. LOL, just further proves my belief that it's all phony and sardonically done in jest, just to provoke controversy for the sole purpose of amusement. If they only knew I find it more humorous than offensive! :-P

You checked out that CRAP Twitter page Sadie? I'm Glad it just made you Laugh!! You're So Right about what you said!!! And Yes, If they only knew you found it more humorous than offensive!!!! ;-)

Exactly! You sure are putting a lot of energy into a group you hate so much, people...time & thought too! ;-)

Sadie Rita said:
I just braced myself and checked out the infamous "SuckMyBeatles" Twitter page and it made me laugh, just like this article. For an organization (which is probably all done by just one idiot) they sure know quite a bit about The Beatles. You'd think a hater wouldn't know that much about something they claim to hate. LOL, just further proves my belief that it's all phony and sardonically done in jest, just to provoke controversy for the sole purpose of amusement. If they only knew I find it more humorous than offensive! :-P

Re: "Exactly! You sure are putting a lot of energy into a group you hate so much, people...time & thought too! ;-)"

REALLY!!!!! Ridiculous!!!

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