"Mick Jagger is my favorite Beatle"

"I like that song "My Love" by Billy Joel"

"Omghs, John MacCarthy is so cute"

"I like the part where it goes Koo koo ca-choo Mrs. Robinson"

"Yoko broke up The Beatles. ugh, I hate her!"

"I think Ringo Starr is the most talented Beatle"

"What is your favorite Beatles song?"

"I like teh beetles too lolz."

"The Betales suck"

"Aren't they all dead?"

"Are you talking about ladybugs?"

"My favorite Beatles song is Imagine"

This cracked me up. Listen to an audio version here.

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Omg, never heard of any monstrosity organization of that sort, but thanks for the warning! I understand everyone has different taste, and some might not like them (you know, the modern morons who prefer rap & crap) but how anyone could possibly be a Beatle hater is beyond me! I gave away my "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" DVD to BeatleGirl for free because eventhough I enjoyed the film, I didn't like the portrayed "haters" in the movie (eventhough it was just fictional characters, it still bothered me lol) The only reasonable explanation for Beatle hating I can think of is just to annoy fans! They must like fighting. Why else would people put so much effort into talking about something they supposedly dislike? :-P

I Agree with everything you said here Sadie!!!!

And This is SAD Too!!! :-(


BeatleBob said:

I Agree with everything you said here Sadie!!!!

And This is SAD Too!!! :-(

YES!! Very SAD Indeed!! :-(

Have a FAB Weekend BeatleNut9!!  :-)

XOXOXO to you all! :-)
Haha so at school last year we had to give our name and then a person we would want to have lunch with and I couldn't pick a Beatle so I said George Martin and when they asked who is that I explained and then said and hopefully lunch would be at a studio the Beatles are recording in at the moment and then some kid just shouts out "The Beatles Suck!!!" And I just turn around and say "Don't you mean they get sucked?" With my smuggest smile haha
But currently at the moment what I hate is people thinking beatle as in the bug -_- my psn has beatle in it and people are constantly telling me I spelled beetle wrong and I just want to slap them XD

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