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Does anyone else think that Ringo's new single "Postcards From Paradise" sounds somewhat similar to the song "Should I Stay Or Should I Go" by The Clash? I noticed that right away, and so did a few other people online. Lol, hopefully it won't turn into a plagiarism lawsuit like George's "My Sweet Lord" and The Chiffons song "He's So Fine". 

Ringo Starr on One Direction

^ Click that link to read an article about Ringo's thoughts on a 1D bandmate's departure.

I hate to say this, but is Ringo losing his mind? He seriously keeps up with One Direction news?!


Ringo reveals that John loved to contort himself into a pretzel and Paul was a veritable cultural chameleon.

More CONAN @

Sadie! It does sound a bit like "Should I Stay Or Should I Go". But, not too much to me! I Think Ringo's new single "Postcards From Paradise" is GREAT!! :-)

And LOL! about Ringo on One Direction!!! ;-)

BeatleGirl! Thanks for this Video!! I Loved it!! :-) And Thanks for the Link too!! When I searched Ringo Starr at the top there it came up with Seven videos. I Enjoyed ALL of them!! I Loved Ringo's sense of Humor in the one's he was in!! GREAT!! :-)

Did anyone watch tonight's Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame ceremony? Paul was supposed to induct Ringo. I don't have cable TV so I didn't see it. How did it go? :-)

Sadie, "The 30th Annual Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony will take place on April 18 at Cleveland's Public Hall, with the exclusive HBO special airing on Saturday, May 30 at 8 pm ET." So, I couldn't see it yet.

See the slide here from last night:

And catch these videos before they get deleted on YouTube!

Thank you Beatlebob! I found another video on YouTube of Ringo's speech! :-)

You're Very Welcome Sadie!! :-) And Thanks for the video You posted Too!! :-)

Have to catch this on HBO in the end of May!!!

This would be a good place to post what "JP Walrus / John Paul" said in 2011 Here!

10 Reasons List - Why Ringo is the Greatest Drummer of all Time (no, really)

1.)  He has “Starr” in his name.  ;-)

2).   Out of all the Beatles, he made the fewest errors during sessions.

3).  He managed to keep balance on his chair, even with his tremendous nose. ;-)

4).  On most Beatles movies, he took the lead roll (only one that had some acting talent).

5).  He dated some hot women.  ;-)

6).  *Shrugs* Y-NOT ;-)

7).  He manages to keep looking bad ass with his sun glasses and beard.

8).  4 words…yellow, garden, octopus, submarine

9).  ITS FREAKING RINGO STARR!! (and he was one of the first to use the “match grip”

10).  Paul McCartney thinks Ringo Starr is the greatest drummer ever! “McCartney sent Starr a postcard on 31 January 1969 (the day after the band's performance on the roof of Apple Studios) stating: 'You are the greatest drummer in the world. Really.' “

Joking aside, I think Ringo is highly underrated.  In many ways he was the "Elvis" of rock drumming.  He was not the best techinically, but opened the door for many amazing rock drummers.  However, that does not mean he was not a good drummer:

1).  Ringo was one of the first drummers to actually sit in a high rise stand, allowng him to be easily seen during live perfomrances.  Before Starr, drummers were usually way in the back, or not even shown at all!.

 2).  Ringo changed the sound of recorded drums. About the time of Rubber Soul (released Dec. 6,1965), the sound of the drumset started to become more distinct. Along with help from the engineers at Abbey Road studios, Ringo popularized a new sound for the drums by tuning them lower, deadening the tonal ring with muffling materials, and making them sound "closer" by putting a microphone on each drum.

 3).  Ringo has nearly perfect tempo. This allowed the Beatles to record a song 50 or 60 times, and then be able to edit together different parts of numerous takes of the same song for the best possible version. Today an electronic metronome is used for the same purpose, but the Beatles had to depend on Ringo to keep the tempo consistant throughout the dozens of takes of the songs that you know and love so well. Had he not had this ability, the Beatles recordings would sound completely different today.

 4). Ringo's "feel" for the beat serves as a standard for pop-rock record producers and drummers alike. It is relaxed, but never dragging. Solid, yet always breathing. And yes, there is a great amount of musical taste in his decisions of what to play and when to play it. In most recording sessions, the drummer's performance acts as a barometer for the rest of the musicians. The stylistic direction, dynamics, and emotions are filtered through the drummer. He is the catcher to whom the pitcher/songwriter is throwing. If the drumming doesn't feel good, the performance of any additional musicians is doomed from the start. The Beatles rarely if ever had this problem with Ringo.

 5).  Ringo hated drum solos, which should win points with quite a few people. He only took one solo while with the Beatles. His eight measure solo appears during "The End" on the "B" side of Abbey Road. Some might say that it is not a great display of technical virtuosity, but they would be at least partially mistaken. You can set an electronic metronome to a perfect 126 beats per minute, then play it along with Ringo's solo and the two will stay exactly together.

 6). Ringo's ability to play odd time signatures helped to push popular songwriting into uncharted areas. Two examples are "All you Need is Love" in 7/4 time, and "Here Comes the Sun" with repeating 11/8, 4/4, and 7/8 passages in the chorus.

 7). Ringo's proficiency in many different styles such as two beat swing ("When I'm Sixty-Four"), ballads ("Something"), R&B ("Leave My Kitten Alone" and "Taxman") and country (the Rubber Soul album) helped the Beatles to explore many musical directions with ease. His pre-Beatle experience as a versatile and hard working nightclub musician served him well.   ..................


Another video I found! :-)  It's Paul's induction speech for Ringo!

So COOL, Sadie!!! I Really Enjoyed what Paul said here!! Loved his Humor too!
Thanks for posting This!! :-)

I found one more!

It's Ringo and Green Day performing "Boys" together! I thought it rocked! I respect Ringo even more for choosing a better contemporary band/artist to perform with, unlike Paul with Rihanna, Kanye, Taylor Swift (and according to BeatleGirl, Lady Gaga is rumored to be next!) LOL!!!

Thanks for This Video Too, Sadie!!  :-)

Yes, it Did Rock!! :-) I Like Ringo's choice Much Better too for a band to perform with!! I liked when Paul performed with the two remaining members of Nirvana that time! But, Rihanna, Kanye, and Taylor Swift?? NO!!! :-( LOL!! OH MAN!!! Lady Gaga might be Next?? LOL!!! :-(

Yes! I agree! I actually like Nirvana and Green Day! And if Paul has to perform with any people who are more modern, I'd rather it be rock bands like that and not stupid pop singers!

Speaking of Nirvana, I recently saw this in the news...

Click here to hear Kurt Cobain's rare, unreleased Beatles cover!


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