Here is a thread where we can casually say "hello" or "goodbye"


Let us know if you're going on vacation or if you're new here.

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JP offended me with one of his photo captions in The Beatles photo caption game here. But he apologized and changed it, so I guess I'll stay here. LOL ;-P
GREAT!! So Glad you are back Sadie!! :-D
That's good, Sadie. I'm glad you're staying...I've learned to just skip over and ignore offensive things. It's not worth even paying attention to, especially if it may not be intentional! *HUGS* to Sadie!
Yay! :-)
I'm sorry that life has been insane and I haven't been here lately, but hopefully after a week or two more, I'll be back to "normal!" :]

Thanks for letting us know BeatleNut9! I Hope things get better for you ASAP!! I'm going through some very trying times myself this month! So, I understand! I will catch up as much as I can here, when I can! And I Hope You BN9 will be able to "Get Back" to us ASAP! Best Wishes!!

I'm sorry I haven't been on here much either lately. I miss this place very much and all of you guys, especially Ann! I haven't been feeling well, haven't had much Internet access, and have been busy job searching. I went to a job interview yesterday and Sirius XM radio's 60s music station was playing in the background. It must be a good sign I'm going to finally get hired. LoL.

I was wondering why you were so quiet, Beatlenut! :( It's okay, I know you'll be back, though! :))


I miss you, too, Sadie... I sure hope you get that job :-)


Yeah, isn't it funny when you hear/see 'signs' that make you think something good's gonna happen? Haha!


Hello goodbye! Just get back here to where we all once belonged! Back to the Beatles! :-D

So Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well and haven't had much internet access, Sadie!! :-(( 


I Hope it was a Good Sign with the music station playing in the background!! Best Wishes with getting the Job!! :-D


I agree Beatle Girl, isn't it funny when you hear/see 'signs' that make you think something good's gonna happen? LOL You never know? And Hopefully it will work out for Sadie!! :-D


Yes, BeatleNut9, We know you'll be back, as soon as you can!! :-D

Hello! Where is everyone?

I hope summer ends soon so everyone comes back.

Hey-la, I've been feeling so bad lately both physically and emotionally. I even seriously feel suicidal sometimes :-(

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