Beatles thoughts meander like an endless rain into a paperback writer...


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BeatleGirl! WOW!! If that is in your area, I got you there before anyone else did!! :-)

Wish that too! But someone took the box of VHS tapes already! Hahaha. I'll keep Searchin'!

Aww, that's too bad! You don't even have a VCR anymore anyway! Yes, keep on searchin'... you might just find another Beatles freebie! :-)

Sorry about that opportunity, but like I said earlier, if you search your favorite torrent sites, there are plenty of very excellent quality audio and video out there...from 63-69. Or even better download or get the Youtube downloader and dl any cool Beatles audio and video. FREE!

:) Good Luck :)

Check this out...So COOL! Wish we were there :)

Aww, Sorry to hear that BeatleGirl!! :-( Yes, Keep Searching!! Hopefully you'll find another Cool Beatles freebie!! :-)

WOW!! That's So COOL, Rocky Racoon!! Thanks for that Link!! YES, Wish We Were There!! :-)

This parody of FourFiveSeconds didn't make their trio any better for me!

Didn't for me either!! I thought it was Total Trash!!!

Isn't this cool!??? It's a Yellow Submarine Transforming Mug. When you pour a hot beverage in it, JPGR appear in their portholes! :D Found here on Amazon!

That is VERY COOL! Considering for Christmas :)

Super Thanks!

So very cool! I'd love to have one too.

This IS So COOL!!! I Love the fact that when you pour a hot beverage in it, The Beatles appear in their portholes!!! Would Love to have one!! Thanks for posting the Pictures and the Link!! :-D Love what it says on the Box too...."A, B, C, D, Can I bring my friend to tea?" Great!  :-)

Lmao! I found this on iHeartradio, "Separated at Birth" -- more like Spirit animals!

I originally thought Paul looked more like a dove or some type of bird, but here, he's compared with a turtle, or a tortoise, to be exact!

Tortoises live up to 250 years OLD! They're very resilient and love eating vegetables & fruits! They have strong hardback shells & enjoy the finer things in life.

What's even funnier is that I recently dreamed of having two turtles, and another of meeting Paul at the back of a bus :) See my Beatley Dreams here.

But in Astrology, Paul is a Gemini and was born in the year of the Horse :)

Also, I think John's spirit animal is the cat, which has 9 lives! #9 was his favourite number.

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