Annalina Lennon McCartney's Blog (14)

* Ringo Starr ~ Postcards from Paradise

Happy Springtime everyone! 

Did you know..

Ringo's album Postcards from Paradise has been released!?

You can click on the banner above to buy the album on Amazon …


Added by Annalina Lennon McCartney on April 1, 2015 at 6:00pm — 6 Comments

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:: Info :: Last updated April 30, 2014

Views: We Average 200 page views a day / 6000 Views a month

Visitors per 24 hour period: We Average 50 unique visitors a day / 1500 unique Visitors a month

We have over 50+ members and counting on our site.…


Added by Annalina Lennon McCartney on April 30, 2014 at 7:00pm — 8 Comments

Beatles Hallucinations!

Have you ever seen a photo or a sign and had that split second of thinking "Omg, is that The BeaTles logo?!"

For example every time I look at a photo of anyone online, I check if they're wearing a Beatles shirt or I might think "Let me look closer! Is that... a poster of Help! in the background?" Sometimes, it IS! Either on facebook or on social sites, my Beatles hallucinations are actually real because there are so many Beatles fans, hardcore or not that may…


Added by Annalina Lennon McCartney on March 24, 2013 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Meet Shi-Ling McCartney

Hi Meet Shi-Ling McCartney

She was born June 18, 2012



Added by Annalina Lennon McCartney on July 30, 2012 at 1:25am — 3 Comments

The Beatles Song Character Test...



Hey, guys and girls! Take this short quiz and see who you are! :)) Post your results here. (Skip the info part; click submit)



Her Majesty

You scored 47 shyness, 17 bitterness, 49 moral, and 41 eccentric!…


Added by Annalina Lennon McCartney on May 31, 2012 at 6:05pm — 2 Comments

Dreaming About Julian Lennon...

It's not often that I dream about Beatles' Kids... but I did the other night! (May 28, 2012)


I was dreaming that I was hanging out with Julian and his friend, and we were playing... football!


For some reason, he climbed out of his house's window and went onto the yard, and we were tossing the football around. I don't know who his friend was, or how I got there, but I did tell Julian on his FB wall...





Added by Annalina Lennon McCartney on May 31, 2012 at 2:30am — No Comments

When George Passed Away...

I remember the day clearly. It was another day going home from school. As usual, I'd turn on the car radio to the oldies station as soon as my mom picked me up from the school parking lot. The news kept coming on how ex-Beatle George Harrison had died. This pierced my heart, even though I wasn't yet aware that one year later, I'd be an obsessed Beatles fan slash Apple scruff. November 29, 2001. It was a cold, gray cloudless day in Oneonta, NY. I wondered why I felt a little bit sad, but…


Added by Annalina Lennon McCartney on April 12, 2012 at 3:20pm — 4 Comments

How To "Spot" A True Beatles Fan!

Hey guys & girls!!!! I know how hard it can be to find "real" or "true" Beatles fans... so here's a quick guide to finding ones who are!


  • They have Beatles shirts for each day of the week!
  • Their 'About  Me' says "I Love The Beatles!"
  • On their wishlist, almost everything is a Beatles item!
  • They love quoting Beatles films and Beatles fan films…

Added by Annalina Lennon McCartney on April 6, 2012 at 5:00am — No Comments

The Beatles' Personality Types Based on the MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator)

Hey guys & girls, I've been wanting to create something like this for a while... If you want to see, read on...

So I like knowing about personalities, so I've devised the type of personalities the Beatles have using the MBTI.

Scroll down to the way bottom to see what any of these letters/words mean.



John - IN/STP (Introverted, INtuitive/Sensing,…


Added by Annalina Lennon McCartney on March 24, 2012 at 6:30am — No Comments

Which Beatle Girl Are You - Quiz by rubbingsouls

I took this quiz, and surprisingly, I got Maureen! I thought I'd be a Paul girl, but maybe deep inside, I'm a Ringo gal? ;)

Take your own quiz here!…


Added by Annalina Lennon McCartney on March 12, 2012 at 4:00am — 2 Comments

How Much of a Beatles Fan Are You? Quiz!

Hey girls & guys! Here is another quiz for you to take to see how much of a Beatles fan you are!


Let's see how you rank ;) I have listed 40...41...42... things! :D



  1. Own a vinyl record
  2. Own every album
  3. Wear Beatles shirts
  4. Have read Beatles books
  5. Have watched Beatles movies
  6. Have listened to Beatles bootlegs
  7. Have listened to The Beatles as solos
  8. Know random useless…

Added by Annalina Lennon McCartney on March 2, 2012 at 1:00pm — 8 Comments

My Beatley Websites and More!

Here I will list my Beatley websites and whatnots! :D


Ringomania - My dedication to Ringo Starr 

Beatles Forums - My longest standing Beatles forum

A Hard Day's Fansite - My fansite for my favourite film!…


Added by Annalina Lennon McCartney on January 30, 2012 at 3:30pm — No Comments

My Beatles Dreams

Hey all, this will be a log where I will post all the Beatles dreams I've had in the past. I will be listing them as I recall them. :-)


August 14 Friday - Paul McCartney was riding the bus with me. This was when he was in his 30s or 40s. We were both sitting in the back, and I was so…


Added by Annalina Lennon McCartney on October 12, 2011 at 10:30pm — 2 Comments

Paul McCartney Yankee Stadium 7/15

SOOO, I'm still high off my McCartney show,



I'd like to share my whole ordeal just for this special night!



On June 9th, I received an email from…


Added by Annalina Lennon McCartney on July 16, 2011 at 3:00am — 9 Comments

Welcoming Beatlemaniacs! Join Beatles Abbey Road!


Birthdays Tomorrow

Latest Activity

John Paul posted a status
"Happy B-Day Paul! You brought so many people together. Your music has provided me many great memories that I will never forget."
Jun 18, 2022
John Paul and BeatleLuvr13 are now friends
Apr 21, 2022
Mike Pell commented on Mike Pell's blog post ROCKOLLECTIONS: FINGER SNAPPING PT.5
Dec 14, 2021
Beatlemaniac commented on Mike Pell's blog post ROCKOLLECTIONS: FINGER SNAPPING PT.5
Jan 20, 2021
Mike Pell commented on Mike Pell's blog post ROCKOLLECTIONS: FINGER SNAPPING PT.5
Jan 19, 2021
Beatlemaniac commented on Mike Pell's blog post ROCKOLLECTIONS: FINGER SNAPPING PT.5
Jan 17, 2021
Mike Pell posted a blog post
Jul 14, 2020
Robert McNaught is now a member of BEATLES ABBEY ROAD // A Place for Beatles Fans To Come Together
Jul 8, 2020

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